Hagskýrslur um landbúnað


Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Page 118

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1951, Page 118
88 BúnaSarskýrslur 1947—48 Tafla XXII. Arður af hlunnindum árið 1948. Subsidiary sources of income 19^8. Lax- og silungur salmon and trout flshtng U o, 5 o Selveiði seal hunting Fuglatekja birdtng Gj C5 *a o Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and towns c o * E 3 g U S tio s ~ 3 3 — o co i *M á c o u X u £ 1 § lll ~ M 3 U C. c. •0 ? W Ö. ee !! 3 3 •J e. U Sí •O < o •5,1 ^ O <U “3 c 3 *3 2 C "3 « « w a s 3 •a 13 44 BS Suðvesturland South-wcst Gullíiringu- og Kjósarsýsla Borgarfjarðarsýsla Mýrasýsla Snæfellsnessýsla Dalasýsla Iíaupstaðir (Reykjavik, Akranes) towns tnls namber tals tnls tnls tnls kr. » 3 8G7 3 458 39 » 2 362 » 2 835 4 312 480 250 80 3 800 » » 400 » 10 000 » » » » » 6 » » 5 63 154 15 7 600 » 13 100 1 500 » » 2 500 » » » » » 8 9 65 95 174 26 400 » 1 188 1 365 2 350 » 1 440 120 1 810 2 235 » » Samtals total Yestfirðir Western Peninsula Barðastrandarsýsla ísafjarðarsýsla Strandasýsla 9 720 » 12 8 7 958 330 367 1 490 14 200 2 010 12 630 1 520 6 5 » 11 237 433 30 240 22 200 » 2 500 3 268 500 » » » 377 396 234 215 5 303 1 940 4 300 5 755 5 605 1 290 14 680 42 370 Samtals total 20 2 187 16 160 16 703 5 768 » 845 11 995 58 340 Norðurland North Húnavatnssýsla 302 4 545 800 4 115 » 150 118 1 160 9 630 Skagaf jarðarsýsla 102 9 142 50 » 1 » » 248 1 150 21 735 Eyjafj arðarsýsla » » 75 » » » » » » 580 Þingeyjarsýsla 442 35 363 868 7 57 76 40 282 13 624 27 293 Kaupstaður (Siglufjörð- ur) town » 1 500 » » » » » » 2 200 » Samtals total 846 50 550 1 793 11 173 76 190 648 18 134 59 238 Austurland East Norður-Múlasýsla 4 35 290 » 14 246 » » 63 2 135 13 723 Suður-Múlasýsla » » » » 22 5 497 » 59 1 000 1 950 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla ... » 640 » 19 185 » » 8 » 1 445 Samtals total 435 930 » 33 453 5 497 » 130 3 135 17 118 Suðurland South Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla ... » 4 229 » » 4 » 184 » 8 930 4 456 Rangárvallasýsla 12 2 110 » » 41 » » » » 2 237 Árnessýsla 260 1 188 573 » 2 35 » » 8 465 575 Kaupstaður (Vestmanna- eyjar) town » » » » » 20 275 8 410 » 4 000 » Samtals total 272 1 194 912 » 2 80 20 275 594 8 13 395 7 268 Allt landið wliole counlrn 11 299 ‘256 536 32 153 68 1 646 53 816 1 284 2 008 51 962 147 569 I>ar af wliereof: Sýslur districts 8 937 '254 956 22 153 62 1 631 33 541 874 1 982 45 762 147 569 Kaupstaðir towns .... 2 362 1 580 10 000 6 15 20 275 410 26 6 200 » i) Pnr af murta úr Þingvnllavatni 176 424 whereof 176 424 small troul (murtn) from Ihe Thingvalla lakc 2) Svnrtfugl. 3) Súla
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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