Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 01.01.1959, Page 22

Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 01.01.1959, Page 22
20 TAFLA I. REKSTRARTEKJUR 0G REKSTRARTJTGJÖLD SVEITARFBLAGA I HEILD ÆRIÐ 1952 (l ÞUS. KR.), Current revenue and expenditure of all municipalities 1952 (in thous. of kr.) '—1 M cð VH 4° £> *H cd Q< ■<-3 cd M O pstaðir/ towns 1 N—N *r4 CQ h P <D Cd p ‘H a -p Ph -h <D P rH H <D cd Allt landið/ celand <D <D 4-> 1 m ^ p. 4° *H O O M A. Rekstrartekjur/current revenue 1 Ltsvör ársins/taxes on income and wealth . . . 92.434 38.376 28.815 159.625 2 Skattar af fasteignum/real estate taxes ... 2.300 3.152 451 5.903 3 Aðrir skattar og gjöld/other taxes and charges 2.945 282 771 3.998 Skattar og gjöld samtals/total taxes and charges 97.679 41.810 30.037 169.526 4 Tekjur (nettó) af eigin fyrirtækjum/revenue (net) of public utilities etc 2.517 + 735 + 57 1.725 5 Endurgreiðslur og styrkir vegna útgjalda fyrri ára/repayment and grants relating to expenditure of previous years 4.885 3.119 3.189 11.193 6 Ymsar tekjur/various revenue 640 801 1.265 2.706 Samtals/total 105.721 „ 44.995 34.434 185.150 B. Rekstrarútgjöld/current expenditure 8 Stjórnarkostnaður/administration 7.473 2.960 1.980 12.413 9 Framfærslumál/public relief 11.213 4.399 3.428 19.040 10 Almannatryggingar/social insurance 11.162 5.647 6.938 23.747 11 Önnur lýðhjálp/other public assistance .... 9.318 1.146 240 10.704 12 Menntamál o.fl./education and other cultural activities 14.299 6.654 4.443 25.396 13 Löggæzla/j\istice and police service 6.130 1.915 52 8.097 14 Heilbrigðismál/health service 2.721 1.236 321 4.278 15 Utgjöld til atvinnuaukningar/for increase of employment - 415 30 445 16 Vega- og skipulagsmál/road service and planning 10.769 4.607 2.448 17.824 17 Landbúnaðarmál/agricultural matters — 83 1.350 1.433 18 Kostnaður við brunavarnir/fire service .... 2.364 895 144 3.403 19 Sýslusjóðsgjald og sýsluvegaskattur/contributions to district roads - 15 2.811 2.826 20 Vaxtagjöld/interest on debt 695 1.344 503 2.542 21 Ymis útgjöld (þrifnaður, götulýsing o.fl.)/ various expenditure 10.653 4.497 2.615 17.765 22 Rekstrargjöld samtals/total . . 86.797 35.813 27.303 149.913 23 Rekstrarafgangur fluttur á eignabreytingareikn- ing/surplus transferred to capital account . . 18.924 9.182 7.131 35.237 Samtals/total 105.721 44.995 34.434 185.150


Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga

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