
Jökull - 01.12.1963, Blaðsíða 4

Jökull - 01.12.1963, Blaðsíða 4
noted that the conglomerate does not contain, in any significant amount, material derived form the Lower Sediments, although these would probably have been exposed to sea- attack, if H2a was mainly littoral. The pebbles of the conglomerate consist nearly exclusively of basalt ancl this would point in the main to an inland source and fluviatile transport. The essential absence of sediment pebbles will also be seen to be significant when we come to a com- parison with the very much different conglomer- ate of Svarthamar, Hn, whose stratigraphic position has hitherto been incorrectly under- stood. It is of some interest also to note the appar- ent absence of rhyolite pebbles in H2a, as well as in all the higher Breiðavik strata, as such pebbles seem to have sorne stratigraphic value within the Upper Tertiary rocks in Iceland (Tr. Einarsson 1962). As far as this evidence goes, it suggests that the Breiðavik deposits are younger than the topmost plateau basalts on the west side of Bárðardalur. We also remark that the original spaces in H2a are largely filled with onyx-like pink silica with nearly horizontal internal stratification, and in this way a practically dense rock has been produced. Such infillings are also of similar quantity in the conglomerates H(j, H7 and Hn, which suggests that the main process of diagenese was relatively late — possibly after the tilting movements, although this point has not been studied sufficiently. After some early consolidation of H2a, the sheet was much dissected and at least 50 m deep valleys were formecl. Then these were filled and H2a was covered with the brown sand- and siltstone H2l) which contains trans- ported peat and twigs whose pollen content was analyzed by Schwarzbach and Pflug (1957). Strauch assumes a lacustrine-fluviatile origin of this layer. Perhaps even in that case, but especially if it is marine, it would indicate a higher sea-level than that of the preceding time of valley erosion. For the following cf. Fig. 1. H2b is covered with a 2-3 m thick laver of blocks and clay of somewhat morainic appea- rance, H3, whose origin and relation to Hob has not been clear. Bárðarson speaks of a resem- blance with a moraine „both from the appear- ance of the stones and from the fact that they seem to be irregularly tumbled together in the stratum“. Slightly scratched blocks may be found but neither Bárðarson nor Tr. Einars- son were convinced of a glacial origin of the stratum. Strauch says that H2[) and H3 cannot be sharply separated and „H3 is partly re- presented by the sandstones of H2b.“ Further: in the higher part of Hob, sanclstones predomi- nate with „final local blocksheets (H3)“. Fin- ally Strauch remarks that single blocks, such as are found in H3, occur within H2b. Below the waterfall in Fossá I founcl that the uppermost i/2 m oí H2b is broken up, probably by frost action, ancl weathered; on this weathered zone rests H3. Further the strati- fication of H2b is in part apparently discord- ant with H3, but the contact is not clear. The actual relationship may be that of foreset to topset beds. From these observations it is concluded that H3 in part corresponds to coarse topset beds but that in part it is a residuum of blocks left on the surface of H2b after con- siderable weathering in which frost action played a part. Cryoturbation is then thought to account for the morainic appearance of H3. In any case, a lowering of water- or sea-level from H2b to H3 is inferred. A new submergence of the area led to the deposition of H4 and H5. The former is a greyish brown sandstone to siltstone of fine lamination with an occasional boulder of basalt t:p to 1 m in diam. that must have been tran- sported by floating ice. Also a clrifted piece of peat was founcl. During deposition there was slight plastic movement and formation of an occasional pocket that was again filled up by deposition, so that its trace is not found in the base of Hg. Moreover, some greater slump- ing occurred in the encl, for it is on the step- formecl surface of H4 that H5 was deposited. That these steps are of erosional nature, as assumed by Strauch, is not statisfactory; on the lowest step no trace of erosion between H4 and Hg was found. On this step both layers are fully concordant. The layers of the stratified, coarsely bankecl sandstone Hfl encroached gradually upon the steps of the already stabilized H4. Thus, the bottom layer of Hg on the second step (shown by broken line in Fig. 1) lies 6—7 m above the bottom on the first step. The main difference between H4 and H5 is that muddy glacial material is included in the former but not in 2 JÖKULL 1963
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