
Jökull - 01.12.1963, Síða 21

Jökull - 01.12.1963, Síða 21
tions may play some part in ion supply, but it is unlikely that conditions under the glacier would favour any significant buiid up of sul- furic acid concentration as observed in thermal areas elsewhere i'Sigvaldason 1959). SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. The study of the chemistry of three glacier rivers in Soutli Iceland over a period of one year indicates the following major sources of ion supply: 1. Atmospheric origin of major part of the chloride, and some of the sodium and sulfate. Bicarbonate in two of the rivers, Skdlm and Múlakvisl, may partly be of atmospheric origin. 2. Leaching of the country rock provides all of the silica and a large part of the alka- lies and earth alkalies. 3. Effluents from thermal areas beneath the glacier provide hydrogen sulfide founcl in one river, Fulilœkur. Bicarbonate in this river is also of sarne origin. It is believed, that higher concentrations of sulfate in the river Skábn is caused by englacial or subglacial oxydation of hydrogensulfide or sulfurdioxyde from an active thermal area. Variations in the concentration of each com- ponent and total dissolved load of the rivers are causecl by (1) difference in length of flow before sampling and (2) different content of dissolved carbon dioxyde, the water containing the higher amounts being more effective in leaching the rock particles during the winter months. Establishment of mean concentration levels of chemical elements in these rivers and normal yearly variations provides a basis for detecting unusual fluctuations, which might occur in the thermal activity beneath the glacier, providecl that the variations are of sufficient magnitude. Knowledge of the chemistry of the water over a longer period will of course help towards a better definition of the normal state and thus lower the limits of detection of what might be considered anomal. The value of continuous observation of the chemistry of the rivers as a means of predicting a volcanic eruption in Katla depends entirely on the assumption, that a similar increase in the thermal activity will occur as before the Askja eruptiön in 1961. Should this be the case, JÖKULL 1963 there appear to be fair chances that this in- crease coulcl be detected by chemical analysis of the river waters. The compounds, which should be looked for are especially HoS, SO4 and HCO3, or rather the ratios of these com- pounds to chloride, since chloride is not likely to be emitted by the thermal activity. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The Icelandic National Science Fund (Vís- indasjóður) has provided funds for this study, and I ivould like to express rny thanks to the Fund for its support. Furthermore I would like to express my thanks to Miss Á. Trausta- dóttir and Mrs. U. Sveinsdóttir for valuable assistance during the analytical work. Mr. S. Rist of the State Electricity Authority provided information on the discharge of Skálm. REFERENCES. Gorham, E., Factors mfluencing supply of major ions to inland waters with. special reference t.o the atmosphere. Geol. Soc. of Am. Bull. V. 72, pp. 795-840 (1961). Keller, W. D. and A. L. Reesman, Glacial milks and their laboratory — simulated counter- paris. Geol. Soc. of Am. Bull. V. 74, pp. 61-76 (1963). Rainwater, F. H. and L. L. Thatcher, Methods for collection and analysis of water samples. U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1454 (1960). Sigvaldason, G. E., Mineralogische Untersuch- ungen iiber Gesteinszersetzung durch post- vulkanische Aktivitat in Island. Beitr. z. Mineral. u. Petr. V. 6, pp. 405—426 (1959). — Some geochemical and hydrothermal aspects of the 1961 Askja eruption. Beitr. z. Min- eralogie u. Petrographie, V. 10, Correns- Festband, pp. 263—274 (1964). — ancl D. E. White, Hydrothermal alteration of roclis in two drill holes at Steamboat Springs, Washoe County, Nevada. U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424-D pp. D-116 to D-122, Art. 331 (1961). Thorarinsson, S.. On the possibilities of pre- dicting the next eruption of Katla. Jökull, 9, pp. 6—18 (1959). (In Icelandic with an English summary). Veðráttan. The monthly of the Icelandic Mete- orological Office (1962). 17



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