
Jökull - 01.12.1963, Síða 54

Jökull - 01.12.1963, Síða 54
rections north and south. The third is located in the area east o£ the tablemountain Herdu- breid and the volcano Askja, 'which had an eruption in 1961. The surface low-velocity layer is of a rather varying thickness in the area of these profiles. Layer 2 is thicker than in most other places and consequently the depth. to layer 3 also greater, about 4.5 km below sea level. Apparently layer 2 on profile 21 consists of two layers with velocities 4.61 and 5.39 knt/ sec. This division into two layers may not be real, as the last 10 km of the profile are located about 8—10 km west of the main profile line, which runs in a north-south direction, and lateral structural changes in an east-west direc- tion could affect the arrival times at these last 10 km of the profile. On profile 19 at a distance of 12-47 km the P2 wave arrives about 0.1 sec too early compared to the neighbouring stations. This discrepancy has not been explained yet, but may be due to an anomalous structure under this station. 22.-23. These two profiles are in the Vopna- fjördur area in the Tertiary basalts of eastern Iceland. Profile 22 is on the lowland near the village Vopnafjördur. It is only 19.7 km long and does not give depth to layer 3. The velo- cities of layers 1 and 2 are here somewhat higher than usually is found. Profile 23 is on the highland southwest of Vopnafjördur. It extends partly into the Neovolcanic zone, that is into an area with a Quaternary volcanic surface layer. The rather lów velocity found for layer 3 is probably due to a thickening of the surface low-velocity layer towards the end of the pro- file. 24. This is a short profile near lake Saenauta- vatn in the eastern part of the Neovolcanic zone. The profile is too short to give depth to layer 3, but gives thickness of layers 0 and 1. 25.-27. These three profiles are all in the Tertiary basalt area of eastern Icelancl. Profile 26—26a is a reversed profile. Although the distance between profiles 25 and 26 is only from 5—15 km the structure is apparently clif- ferent. Profile 25 gives a thickness of about 1.5 km of layer 1, whereas profile 26 gives only about 0.5 km. And on profile 27 in Breiddalur on the east coast it is either missing completely at sea level or thinner than 100—200 meters. On the other hand layer 2 is rnuch thicker in Breid- dalur than in the area of profiles 25 ancl 26. The structure is thus far from uniform in the area of profiles 25—27 although they are all in a geologically similar part of the country. 28.—30. The area in southeastern Iceland where profiles 28 to 30 are located is character- ized by a number o£ large gabbroic and acid intrusions, which are not common in other parts of Iceland, as well as by flood basalts. It was therefore of considerable interest to compare the seismic structure of this area with other parts of the country. The profiles were arranged so that the shot points were close to the largest gabbroic intrusions, i. e. Eystra- Horn, Vestra-Horn and Vidbordsfjall. It turn- ecl out that the surface rocks on all three profiles had velocities corresponding to layer 2, which meant that layer 1 was absent. Layer 3 was found at a relatively small depth, 1.2 to 1.8 km below sea level. On profile 30, which runs in a southwest direction from Vid- bordsfjall, the velocities are somewhat lower than on the other two profiles. This may be due to a possible existence of layer 1 at the southwestern encl of the profile, where flood basalts are the predominant surface rocks. 50 JÖKULL 1963



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