

Læknablaðið - 01.05.2017, Page 16

Læknablaðið - 01.05.2017, Page 16
228 LÆKNAblaðið 2017/103 R A N N S Ó K N ENGLISH SUMMARY Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of 5 common symptoms and drug treatments prescribed and given in the last 24 hours of life in 11 medical units at Landspitali National Uni- versity Hospital of Iceland (LUH) and in 7 nursing homes (NH). Material and methods: Data was collected retrospectively from 232 charts of patients who died in 2012, using documentation in the Liver- pool Care Pathway (LCP) and the medication management system. Results: About half of the patients died at LUH with similar gender ratio but 70% of patients in NH were women. The LCP was used for 50% of all deaths at LUH and 58% in NH. In 45% of all deaths LCP was used for 24 hours or less. The most common symptoms were pain (51%), agitation (36%) and respiratory tract secretions (36%). Frequency of symptoms was similar between institutions and age groups. Cancer patients had significantly higher incidence of agitation and were prescri- bed and given higher doses of morphine compared to other groups. Regular medication for agitation was haloperidol (45%), diazepam (40%) and midazolam (5%). Close to 70% of the patients were treated with a scopolamin patch for death rattle. Conclusion: A large number of patients have symptoms in the last 24 hours of life both in hospital and in nursing homes. Symptom control can be improved by adjusting morphine doses to patients need, using regular doses of benzodiazepine for agitation and better use of anticholinergic medication for death rattle. Frequency of symptoms and drug treatment among dying patients in the last 24 hours of life at Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland and in nursing homes Svandís Íris Hálfdánardóttir1, Kristín Lára Ólafsdóttir2, Valgerður Sigurðardóttir1,2,3 1Palliative Care Unit, 2Hospital based Palliative Care Consulting Team, 3Palliative Home Care Team. 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Supporting Care in the Last Hours or Days of Life. mcpcil.org.uk/media/33890/international%20 model%20documentation.pdf – febrúar 2017. Þetta er engin spurning Viðbótarlífeyrir er nauðsyn Lágmarksframfærsla Lífe yris rétt ind i Vi ðb ót ar líf ey rir Allianz Ísland hf. | Dalshrauni 3 | 220 Hafnarfirði | 595 3400 | allianz@allianz.is | allianz.is Tryggir þína framtíð



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