Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Síða 14

Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Síða 14
12 10.6. Imports and exports by divisions of the SITC, Rev. 3, in 1991 ................................... 116 10.7. Imports and exports by broad economic categories and market areas in 1991 ....................... 118 10.8. Price and volume indices of exports and imports 1980-1991........................................ 120 10.9. Break-down of exports by origin 1961-1991, per cent.............................................. 120 10.10. Exports by branches of processing 1987-1991 ................................................ 121 10.11. Quantity and value of exports by commodities (Icelandic classification) 1990-1991 ............... 122 Transport, communications and tourism 11.1. The merchant fleet 1 January 1980-1992 .......................................................... 124 11.2. Registered vessels by area 1 January 1992........................................................ 125 11.3. Ship arrivals in Reykjavflc harbour 1975-1991.................................................... 126 11.4. Registered aircraft 1950-1991 ................................................................... 126 11.5. Traffic oflcelandair 1982-1991................................................................... 127 11.6. Public roads by type, 1 January 1980-1992........................................................ 128 11.7. Public roads by regions and type, 1 January 1992 ................................................ 128 11.8. Registered motor vehicles 1950-1991 ............................................................. 129 11.9. Registered motor vehicles and new registrations 1986-1991 ....................................... 130 11.10. Motor vehicles by regions 1990 and 1991.......................................................... 131 11.11. Motor vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants by regions 1990 and 1991.................................... 132 11.12. Bus traffic and passengers in Reykjavík 1962-1991 ............................................... 132 11.13. Road traffic accidents 1983-1991 ................................................................ 133 11.14. Passengers from abroad by season 1950-1991 ...................................................... 134 11.15. Passengers from abroad on car ferries 1981-1991.................................................. 135 11.16. Vehicles from abroad on car ferries 1983-1991 ................................................... 135 11.17. Nationality of passengers arriving in Iceland 1981-1991 ......................................... 136 11.18. Number ofhotels, rooms and beds available 1984-1989 ........................................... 138 11.19. Occupancy rate of rooms and beds in hotels 1984-1989............................................ 140 11.20. Guest nights in hotels by regions 1984-1989 ..................................................... 141 11.21. Guest nights in hotels by nationality of guests 1984-1989........................................ 142 11.22. Post and telecommunications 1986-1991 ........................................................... 144 11.23. Telephone and telecommunication services 1986-1991............................................... 145 11.24. Postal and giro services 1986-1991 .............................................................. 146 Wages and salaries, prices, income, consumption 12.1. Wages and income 1980-1991....................................................................... 147 12.2. Wage index for the whole economy 1989-1992....................................................... 148 12.3. Hourly earnings of members of the Federation of Labour 1984-1991 ................................ 149 12.4. Compensation of public employees 1982-1990 ...................................................... 150 13.5. Consumer price index less housing cost 1914-1991................................................. 152 12.6. Consumer price index by months 1968-1992......................................................... 153 12.7. Consumer price index monthly 1939-1992. January-March 1939 = 100................................. 154 12.8. Break-down of the consumer price index 1990-1992................................................. 156 12.9. Consumer price index by economic categories 1990-1992............................................ 156 12.10. Retail prices of some commodities and services in the Reykjavík area 1981-1991................... 158 12.11. Break-down of the consumer price indices of 1984 and 1988 ....................................... 160 12.12. Building cost index by months 1975-1992.......................................................... 161 12.13. Credit terms index by months 1979-1992 .......................................................... 161 12.14. Income according to tax returns 1980-1991 ....................................................... 162 12.15. Average income by age and sex 1990 and 1991 ..................................................... 164 12.16. Income from employment by regions 1987-1991 ..................................................... 165 12.17. Private final consumption, volume indices and per cent division 1957-1990........................ 166 12.18. Consumption of some food articles 1957-1990...................................................... 167 12.19. Consumption of alcoholic beverages 1980-1991 .................................................... 168 Money and credit 13.1. Monetary survey 1970-1991........................................................................ 169 13.2. Weighted average interest rates of deposit money institutions 1960-1991 ......................... 170 13.3. Accounts of the banking system 1985-1991 ........................................................ 171
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