Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Síða 41

Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Síða 41
Mannfjöldi 35 Tafla 2.10. Mannfjöldi fæddur erlendis og erlendir ríkisborgarar á íbúaskrá 1. desember 1991 Table 2.10. Population born abroad andforeign citizens on the national register 1 December 1991 Fæðingar- og Fæddir erlendis Born abroad Erlendir ríkisborgarar Foreign citizens rfkisfangsland 1991 1991 Country ofbirth and of citizenship 1980 1990 Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females 1980 1990 Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Tolal 5.984 9.666 10.565 4.753 5.812 3.240 4.812 5.395 2.327 3.068 Norðurlönd Nordic countries 3.007 4.317 4.529 2.006 2.523 1.360 1.578 1.674 666 1.008 Danmörk Danmark " 1.687 2.153 2.209 971 1.238 950 1.030 1.095 455 640 Finnland Finland 68 79 83 30 53 45 47 50 19 31 Færeyjar Faroe Islands 11 176 249 295 127 168 Grænland Greenland " 6 37 35 15 20 Noregur Norway 553 718 754 303 451 275 319 340 123 217 Svíþjóð Sweden 517 1.081 1.153 560 593 90 182 189 69 120 Onnur Evrópulönd Other European countries 1.699 2.819 3.213 1.474 1.739 886 1.698 2.020 917 1.103 Austurríki Austria 42 55 61 33 28 18 30 35 17 18 Belgía Belgium 17 36 41 12 29 14 35 37 9 28 Bretland United Kingdom 441 680 689 389 300 324 454 449 248 201 Frakkland France 78 142 145 74 71 60 87 84 39 45 Fiolland Netherlands 66 118 124 56 68 45 98 101 45 56 írland Ireland 33 85 61 24 37 34 83 55 21 34 Ítalía Italy 15 40 46 26 20 6 20 26 17 9 Júgóslavía Yugoslavia 28 102 153 113 40 31 91 133 91 42 Lúxemborg Luxembourg 11 56 56 28 28 1 1 - - - Portúgal Portugal 4 47 61 39 22 2 47 60 37 23 Pólland Poland 28 278 521 191 330 21 249 482 179 303 Sovétríkin Soviet Union 16 39 60 27 33 5 23 43 20 23 Spánn Spain 62 110 116 66 50 56 73 69 34 35 Sviss Switzerland 30 56 60 31 29 21 33 31 15 16 Tékkóslóvakía Czechoslovakia 18 52 76 42 34 5 31 56 31 25 Ungverjaland Hungary 25 37 37 17 20 1 17 17 6 11 Þýskaland FRG 755 844 859 283 576 234 310 308 92 216 Önnur lönd Other 30 42 47 23 24 8 16 34 16 18 Ameríka America 929 1.418 1.507 745 762 731 861 891 441 450 Bandankin USA 747 1.129 1.173 593 580 636 717 721 365 356 Kanada Canada 144 152 164 75 89 69 58 60 29 31 Chile Chile 6 16 20 13 7 6 10 10 5 5 Kólombía Colombia - 22 28 15 13 - 14 15 9 6 Önnur lönd Other 32 99 122 49 73 20 62 85 33 52 Afríka Africa 61 191 248 128 120 38 125 160 82 78 Marokkó Morocco 8 22 29 26 3 12 14 21 19 2 Suður-Afríka South Africa 8 68 94 31 63 6 59 77 25 52 Önnur lönd Other 45 101 125 71 54 20 52 62 38 24 Asía Asia 156 765 904 350 554 114 404 505 182 323 Filippseyjar Philippines 16 142 175 30 145 28 117 133 23 110 Indland India 8 65 69 32 37 5 31 19 10 9 Indónesía Indonesia 4 62 65 26 39 1 3 3 1 2 Israel Israel 6 21 27 14 13 6 11 13 6 7 Japan Japan 11 18 20 10 10 10 9 9 5 4 Kína China 9 61 70 45 25 2 44 54 36 18 Suður-Kórea Korea, Rep. of 27 28 30 9 21 9 3 3 3 Srí-Lanka Sri Lanka 2 87 85 29 56 2 1 1 1 Thaíland Thailand 1 87 127 16 111 1 89 130 21 109 Tyrkland Turkey 7 19 22 14 8 6 4 7 5 2 Vietnam Vietnam 32 80 115 60 55 33 48 86 42 44 Önnur lönd Other 33 95 99 65 34 11 44 47 33 14 Eyjaálfa Oceania 122 153 164 50 114 104 144 145 39 106 Ástralía Australia 82 63 66 18 48 69 52 58 13 45 Nýja-Sjáland New Zealand 40 90 98 32 66 35 92 87 26 61 Utlönd, ótilgr. Unspecified 10 3 - 7 2 - " Danir, Færeyingar og Grænlendingar hafa sameiginlegt ríkisfang. Common citizenship. Skýring: Eftir upphaflegri íbúaskrá 1. desember. Note: Original data of 1 December. Heimild: Hagstofa íslands (Hagtíðindi). Source: Statistical Bureau oflceland (Monthly Statistics).
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