Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Síða 211

Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Síða 211
204 Þj óðhagsreikningar Tafla 14.8. Greiðslujöfnuðurviðútlönd 1980-1991 Table 14.8. Balance ofpayments 1980-1991 Millj. króna 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Útflutningur alls, fob 4.460 6.536 8.479 18.623 23.557 33.750 Sjávarafurðir 3.339 5.116 6.361 12.667 15.833 25.232 A1 542 634 852 3.273 3.426 3.340 Kísiljám 89 123 243 614 1.016 1.220 Annað 490 663 1.023 2.069 3.282 3.958 Innflutningur alls, fob 4.307 6.732 10.364 18.156 23.889 33.760 Sérstakar fjárfestingarvörar 11 347 557 501 655 711 1.069 Rekstrarvörur til stóriðju 314 463 711 1.555 1.877 2.573 Almennur innflutningur 3.646 5.712 9.152 15.946 21.301 30.118 Olía 724 1.089 1.591 3.012 3.683 5.282 Annað 2.922 4.623 7.561 12.934 17.618 24.836 Vöruskiptajöfnuður 153 -196 -1.885 467 -332 -10 Þjónustutekjur alls 1.286 2.188 4.235 8.455 10.738 15.784 Ferðalög 112 158 314 682 1.100 1.761 Samgöngur 620 1.210 2.280 4.233 5.204 8.974 Tryggingar 46 73 100 295 290 205 Vamarliðið, nettó 332 497 1.089 2.156 2.766 3.122 Ymislegt 176 250 452 1.089 1.378 1.722 Þjónustuútgjöld alls 1.342 2.204 3.965 7.119 9.982 14.903 Ferðalög 265 503 911 1.660 2.690 3.916 Samgöngur 775 1.230 2.315 3.860 4.953 8.695 Tryggingar 56 90 160 385 475 302 Ymislegt 246 381 579 1.214 1.864 1.990 Þjónustujöfnuður -56 -16 270 1.336 756 881 Vöru- og þjónustujöfnuður alls 97 -212 -1.615 1.803 424 871 Vextir og aðrar þáttatekjur -410 -811 -1.495 -3.066 -4.554 -5.584 Vaxtatekjur 63 158 340 355 455 600 Vaxtagjöld 468 960 1.815 3.405 5.010 6.205 Vinnulaun, nettó -5 -9 -20 -16 1 21 Viðskiptajöfnuður -313 -1.023 -3.110 -1.263 -4.130 -4.713 Framlög án endurgjalds, nettó -20 -23 -56 -42 25 8 Fjármagnsjöfnuður 794 1.639 2.567 1.598 4.111 11.836 Innkomin erlend lán 1.025 1.698 3.625 5.577 7.513 9.925 Afborganir af erlendum lánum 376 633 1.250 2.678 4.279 4.460 Aðrar fjármagnshreyfmgar, nettó 145 574 192 -1.301 877 6.371 Úthlutun sérstakra dráttarréttinda vegna IMF 16 24 - - - - Skekkjur og vantalið, nettó -228 -175 -658 -81 -930 -2.293 Greiðslujöfnuður (breyting gjaldeyrisstöðu) 249 442 -1.257 212 -924 4.838 Gjaldeyrisforði Seðlabankans 118 449 -1.104 327 -382 2.650 Skammtímaskuldir Seðlabankans 131 -7 -153 -115 -542 2.188 Umreikningsgengi USD 1 = ISK 2) 4,79 7,24 12,52 25,00 31,66 41,47 1} Skip og flugvélar, Landsvirkjun. Ships and aircraft, National Power Company. 2) Greiðslujafnaðaruppgjör Seðlabankans miðast við kaupgengi fyrir bæði útflutning og innflutning, en innflutningstölur Hagstofunnar eru miðaðar við sölugengi. Því kemur fram eilítill munur á tölum þessara stofnana. The balance ofpayments accounts as drawn up by the Central Bank are based on buying rates offoreign currency for both exports and imports, whereas the importfiguresfrom the Statistical Bureau are based on selling ratesforimports. This explains the slight dijference in import figures between these institutions. Heimild: Seðlabanki íslands. Source: Central Bank oflceland. Þjóðhagsreikningar 205 6 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Million ISK 44.968 53.053 61.667 80.072 92.452 91.560 Merchandise exports, fob 34.627 40.322 43.819 56.812 69.898 73.236 Marine products 4.125 5.080 6.626 10.290 9.587 8.076 Aluminium 1.334 1.473 2.418 3.027 2.431 1.765 Ferro-silicon 4.882 6.178 8.804 9.943 10.536 8.483 Other 40.988 55.020 61.996 72.603 87.652 94.639 Merchandise imports, fob 2.001 3.368 5.520 6.429 8.390 7.162 Special investment goods n Intermediate goodsfor 2.337 2.576 2.787 4.399 5.655 5.945 power-intensive industry 36.650 49.076 53.689 61.775 73.607 81.532 General imports 3.693 3.724 3.658 5.990 8.343 7.406 Oil 32.957 45.352 50.031 55.785 65.264 74.126 Other 3.980 -1.967 -329 7.469 4.800 -3.079 Balance of trade 17.920 20.032 21.881 28.263 33.551 35.492 Service receipts 2.442 3.324 4.680 6.242 7.324 7.139 Travel 8.435 8.322 9.048 11.112 12.670 13.112 Transportation 193 279 497 267 377 411 Insurance 4.428 4.790 5.110 7.308 9.234 9.439 Defence Force, net 2.422 3.317 2.546 3.334 3.946 5.391 Other 14.892 18.945 22.104 26.637 31.494 35.989 Service expenditures 5.323 8.215 9.902 11.712 14.950 17.460 Travel 6.814 7.109 8.819 10.263 10.404 11.314 Transportation 478 524 683 514 883 1.297 Insurance 2.277 3.097 2.700 4.148 5.257 5.918 Other 3.028 1.087 -223 1.626 2.057 -497 Balance of services 7.008 -880 -552 9.095 6.857 -3.576 Balance of goods and services -6.229 -6.203 -8.333 -13.217 -14.611 -14.974 Interest and other factor income 727 893 957 1.617 1.813 1.783 Interest income 6.953 7.106 9.130 14.568 16.190 16.580 lnterest payments -3 10 -160 -266 -234 -177 Labour income, net 779 -7.083 -8.885 -4.122 -7.754 -18.550 Balance on current account 160 -24 -42 -185 6 -301 Unrequited transfers, net 3.865 9.471 8.806 7.778 12.110 17.768 Balance on capital account 12.036 12.465 16.398 25.165 27.735 29.588 Borrowing abroad 5.937 5.725 6.723 9.220 11.373 15.016 Amortization offoreign debt -2.234 2.731 -869 -8.167 -4.252 3.196 Other capital movements, net Allocation ofSpecial Drawing - - “ — Rights -1.423 -2.969 -417 325 -34 1.807 Errors and omissions, net Balance of payments (change 3.381 -605 -538 3.796 4.328 724 inforeign exchange holdings) 3.469 -1.247 182 2.574 4.280 889 Central Bank total reserves Central Bank short term -88 642 -720 1.222 48 -165 liabilities 41,04 38,60 43,09 57,14 58,23 59,04 Conversion rate USD 1 = ISK2>
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