Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Síða 236

Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Síða 236
230 Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál Tafla 16.9. Helstu bætur almannatrygginga 1990-1992. Mánaðarupphæðir og daggreiðslur Table 16.9. Social security pensions and allowances 1990-1992. Monthly amounts and per diem 1990 1.1. 1.2. 1.6. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. 1.1. 1.3. 1.6. Mánaðarupphæðir, kr. Elli-, örorku- og ekkjulífeyrir, óskertur 11 10.853 11.016 11.181 11.181 11.181 11.181 11.181 11.497 11.497 11.819 12.123 Hámark tekjutryggingar ellilífeyrisþega 2) 19.968 20.268 20.572 23.658 20.572 23.658 20.572 25.269 21.154 21.746 22.305 örorkulífeyrisþega2) 19.968 20.268 20.572 23.658 20.572 23.658 20.572 25.269 21.154 21.746 22.305 Heimilisuppbót, óskert2) 6.788 6.890 6.993 8.042 6.993 8.042 6.993 8.590 7.191 7.392 7.582 Sérstök heimilisuppbót, óskert2) 4.669 4.739 4.810 5.532 4.810 5.532 4.810 5.908 4.946 5.084 5.215 Barnalífeyrir3) 6.647 6.747 6.848 6.848 6.848 6.848 6.848 7.042 7.042 7.239 7.425 Mæðra-/feðralaun 1 bam 4.166 4.228 4.291 4.291 4.291 4.291 4.291 4.412 4.412 4.536 4.653 2 böm 10.914 11.078 11.244 11.244 11.244 11.244 11.244 11.562 11.562 11.886 12.191 3 böm eða fl. 19.358 19.648 19.943 19.943 19.943 19.943 19.943 20.507 20.507 21.081 21.623 Ekkju-, ekkilsbætur Greitt í 6 mánuði 13.599 13.803 14.010 14.010 14.010 14.010 14.010 14.406 14.406 14.809 15.190 Greitt í 12 mánuði 10.197 10.350 10.505 10.505 10.505 10.505 10.505 10.802 10.802 11.104 11.389 Dánarbætur í 8 ár (v/slysa) 13.599 13.803 14.010 14.010 14.010 14.010 14.010 14.406 14.406 14.809 15.190 Vasapeningar vistmanna ( 6.692 6.792 6.894 6.894 6.894 6.894 6.894 7.089 7.089 7.287 7.474 Vasapeningar v/sjúkra- trygginga ( 5.623 5.707 5.793 5.793 5.793 5.793 5.793 5.957 5.957 6.124 6.281 Fæðingarstyrkur4) 5> 22.087 22.418 22.754 22.754 22.754 22.754 22.754 23.398 23.398 24.053 24.671 Daggreiðslur, kr. Fæðingardagpeningar 4) 6) 926,00 940,00 954,00 954,00 954,00 954,00 954,00 981,00 981,00 1.008,00 1.034,00 Sj úkradagpeni ngar einstaklings 463,19 470,14 477,20 477,20 477,20 477,20 477,20 490,70 490,70 504,40 517,40 fyrir hvert bam á framfæri 125,69 127,58 129,50 129,50 129,50 129,50 129,50 133,15 133,15 136,90 140,40 Slysadagpeningar einstaklings 586,02 594,81 603,70 603,70 603,70 603,70 603,70 620,80 620,80 638,20 654,60 fyrir hvert bam á framfæri 125,69 127,58 129,50 129,50 129,50 129,50 129,50 133,15 133,15 136,90 140,40 0 Miðað er við lífeyri til einstaklings. Hjónalífeyrir elli- og örorkulífeyrisþega er 90% af tvöföldum einstaklingslífeyri. Basicpension to an individual. Couples (old age and disability pensionists) receive 90% ofdoubled basic pension. 2) Tekjutrygging tengist elli- og örorkulífeyri, ekki ekkjulífeyri. Tekjutryggingarauki á tekjutryggingu, heimilisuppbót og sérstaka heimilisuppbót er innifalinn í upphæðum þessara bótaflokka sem hér segir: 15% í ágúst og 20% í desember 1990; 18% íjúlí, 21% í ágúst, 15% í september og 20% í desember 1991; 28% í júlí, 20% í ágúst 1992. Income supplement on oldagepension anddisabilitypension butnot widows 'basicpension. Extra supplement on income supplement, household supplement and additional household supplement is included in the amounts of these allowances asfollows: 15%in August and 20% in December 1990; 18% in July, 21% in August, 15% in September and 20% in December 1991; 28% in July and 20% in August 1992. 3) Meðlag er sama upphæð og bamalífeyrir. Childs maintenance is the same amount as childs pension. 4) Konur, sem njóta óskertra launa í fæðingarorlofi annars staðar eiga ekki rétt á fæðingarstyrk eða dagpeningum þann tíma sem óskert laun eru greidd. Entitlement to maternity benefits lapses when the mother hasfull income from work. 5) Fæðingarstyrkur, ákveðin upphæð ámánuði, aðeins greiddurmóður. 1988greiddisthanní4mánuði, 1989 í 5 mánuði og frá 1990 í 6 mánuði. Fixedamount paid to mothers only. Paidfor 4 months in 1988, 5 months in 1989 and 6 monthsfrom 1990. 6) Fæðingardagpeningar greiddir í 3 mánuði 1987, 4 mánuði 1988, 5 mánuði 1989 og 6 mánuði frá 1990. Per diem parental benefits paid for 3 months 1987, 4 months in 1988, 5 months in 1989 and 6 monthsfrom 1990. Heimild: Tryggingastofnun ríkisins (Félagsmál; Almannatryggingar/Félagsmál; handrit). Source; State Social Security Institute [Social Security Matters; manuscript]. Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál 231 1991 1992 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.12. 1.1. 1.5. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 12.123 12.123 12.123 12.123 12.123 12.123 12.329 12.329 12.329 12.329 Monthly amounts, ISK Old age, disability, widow 's basic pensions l> 26.320 26.989 26.651 22.305 26.766 22.305 22.684 29.036 27.221 22.684 Income supplement, max. per old age pensioner2) 26.320 26.989 26.651 22.305 26.766 22.305 23.320 29.850 27.984 23.320 disability pensioner 2> 8.947 9.174 8.719 7.582 9.098 7.582 7.711 9.870 9.253 7.711 Household supplement, for single pensioners, max. per person 2) 6.154 6.310 5.997 5.215 6.258 5.215 5.304 6.789 6.365 5.304 Additional household supplement, max per single pensioner2) 7.425 7.425 7.425 7.425 7.425 7.425 7.551 7.551 7.551 7.551 Child pension 3) 4.653 4.653 4.653 4.653 4.653 4.653 4.732 4.732 4.732 4.732 Single parent 's allowance 1 child 12.191 12.191 12.191 12.191 12.191 12.191 12.398 12.398 12.398 12.398 2 children 21.623 21.623 21.623 21.623 21.623 21.623 21.991 21.991 21.991 21.991 3 children or more 15.190 15.190 15.190 15.190 15.190 15.190 15.448 15.448 15.448 15.448 Widow 's/widower 's benefits Paid 6 months 11.389 11.389 11.389 11.389 11.389 11.389 11.583 11.583 11.583 11.583 Paid 12 months 15.190 15.190 15.190 15.190 15.190 15.190 15.448 15.448 15.448 15.448 Death compensation paid 8 years 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.170 10.170 10.170 10.170 Money support 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.170 10.170 10.170 10.170 Money support 24.671 24.671 24.671 24.671 24.671 24.671 25.090 25.090 25.090 25.090 Maternity allowance 4> 5> 1.034,00 1.034,00 1.034,00 1.034,00 1.034,00 1.034,00 1.052,00 1.052,00 1.052,00 1.052,00 Per diem amounts, ISK Per diem parental allowance 4> 6> 517,40 517,40 517,40 517,40 517,40 517,40 526,20 526,20 526,20 526,20 Sickness compensation per person 140,40 140,40 140,40 140,40 140,40 140,40 142,80 142,80 142,80 142,80 per dependent child 654,60 654,60 654,60 654,60 654,60 654,60 665,70 665,70 665,70 665,70 Accident compensation per person 140,40 140,40 140,40 140,40 140,40 140,40 142,80 142,80 142,80 142,80 per dependent child
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