Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Síða 264

Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Síða 264
258 Mennta- og menningarmál Tafla 18.2. Skólasókn eftir skólastigi og flokkun náms, skipt á kyn, að hausti 1980-1991 Table 18.2. School attendance by sex, and line ofstudy. Autumn 1980-199ln 1980 1985 Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls 19.106 10.500 8.606 22.526 12.027 10.499 F ramhaldsskólastig 14.261 7.691 6.570 15.540 8.372 7.168 Almennar brautir 1.641 886 755 1.672 921 751 Málabrautir 1.031 238 793 1.278 326 952 Listabrautir 352 141 211 449 147 302 Uppeldis- og fþróttabrautir, kennaranám 1.285 283 1.002 1.427 323 1.104 Félagsfræðabrautir 639 292 347 809 337 472 Viðskipta- og hagfræðabrautir 2.109 961 1.148 2.735 1.282 1.453 Raungreinabrautir 1.941 1.210 731 2.218 1.376 842 Iðn- og tæknibrautir 3.534 3.348 186 3.356 3.093 263 Búsýslubrautir, matvælabrautir, þjónustuiðnir 578 301 277 906 538 368 Heilsubrautir 1.151 31 1.120 690 29 661 Háskólastig á Islandi 3.633 2.045 1.588 4.724 2.288 2.436 Tungumál, mannvísindi 838 371 467 1.004 389 615 Uppeldisfræði, íþróttir, kennaranám 465 111 354 445 79 366 Samfélagsvísindi, lögfræði 448 259 189 679 333 346 Viðskipta- og hagfræði 504 397 107 774 491 283 Náttúrufræði, stærðfræði 317 218 99 517 354 163 Tæknigreinar, verkfræði 315 294 21 361 323 38 Landbúnaður, matvælafræði 59 37 22 52 22 30 Lækningar, heilsugæsla 687 358 329 892 297 595 Nám crlendis 1.212 764 448 2.262 1.367 895 Almennt nám og óskilgreint 6 4 2 42 19 23 Tungumál, mannvísindi 204 87 117 248 100 148 Listir 220 120 100 395 209 186 Uppeldisfræði, fþróttir, kennaranám 58 22 36 164 42 122 Samfélagsvfsindi, Iögfræði 119 63 56 130 62 68 Viðskipta- og hagfræði 83 67 16 210 156 54 Náttúrufræði, stærðfræði 129 100 29 290 193 97 Tæknigreinar, verkfræði 236 217 19 513 454 59 Landbúnaður, matvælafræði, þjónusta 78 54 24 154 101 53 Lækningar, heilsugæsla 79 30 49 116 31 85 0 Fólk í reglubundnu námi ofan grunnskóla. Regular courses after basic school. Skýringar: Sjá töflu 18.1. Note: See table 18.1. Heimild: Hagstofa íslands (nemendaskrá). Source: Statistical Bureau oflceland (Students’ register). I Mennta- og menningarmál 259 1990 1991 Alls Karlar Konur Alls Karlar Konur Total Males Females Total Males Females 25.051 12.815 12.236 26.373 13.134 13.239 Total 17.248 9.118 8.130 17.817 9.252 8.565 Second level 2.328 1.238 1.090 2.778 1.418 1.360 General programmes 1.580 381 1.199 1.565 388 1.177 Languages 635 181 454 609 181 428 Fine and applied arts Pedagogical and physical 1.152 307 845 1.230 335 895 programmes, teacher-training 1.371 423 948 1.672 526 1.146 Social science programmes 2.482 1.300 1.182 2.064 1.070 994 Commerce, economics 2.790 1.591 1.199 2.928 1.608 1.320 Natural science programmes 3.479 3.162 317 3.505 3.169 336 Crafts and technical trades 981 509 472 1.012 538 474 Agriculture, food and service trades 450 26 424 454 19 435 Health-related programmes 5.225 2.223 3.002 6.161 2.553 3.608 Third level, in Iceland 1.057 348 709 1.362 459 903 Languages, humanities 837 196 641 971 216 755 Teacher-training, education theory 844 350 494 944 384 560 Social sciences, jurisprudence 768 467 301 766 454 312 Economics, business administration 442 289 153 524 339 185 Natural sciences, mathematics 359 320 39 427 369 58 Engineering 77 51 26 72 49 23 Agriculture, food sciences 841 202 639 1.095 283 812 Medicine, medical treatment 2.578 1.474 1.104 2.395 1.329 1.066 Studying abroad 1 1 3 2 1 General programmes and unspecified 328 159 169 279 126 153 Languages, humanities 548 235 313 368 166 202 Fine and applied arts 151 54 97 143 45 98 Teacher-training, education theory 165 74 91 162 73 89 Social sciences, jurisprudence 340 248 92 296 220 76 Economics, business administration 237 162 75 193 132 61 Natural sciences, mathematics 482 402 80 638 447 191 Engineering 184 85 99 199 87 112 Agriculture, food sciences, services 142 55 87 114 31 83 Medicine, medical treatment
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