Vinnumarkaður - 01.06.1998, Page 13
2.8 Underemployment ....................................................................................... 107
Table 2.8.1 Underemployed persons by age groups, regions and education levels 1991-1997.................. 107
Table 2.8.2 Rate of underemployment by age groups, regions and education levels 1991-1997 ............... 108
Table 2.8.3 Employed persons by reasons for looking for another job 1991-1997............................ 109
Table 2.8.4 Employed persons by reasons for looking for another job 1991-1997 (%)........................ 109
2.9 Types of working hours ................................................................................ 110
Table 2.9.1 Employees by regions and type of working hours 1994-1997 .................................... 110
Table 2.9.2 Employees by regions and type of working hours 1994-1997 (%)..................... 111
3 Unemployment ............................................................................................... 112
Synopsis ................................................................................................... 112
Figure3.1 Rate of unemployment by sex 1991-1997 ....................................................... 112
Figure 3.2 Unemployed persons by education levels 1997 (%).............................................. 113
Figure 3.3 Registered unemployment by labour force status 1996.......................................... 114
Figure 3.4 Unemployment rates in the OECD countries 1996 ............................................... 115
3.1 Unemployment - labour force survey data ............................................................... 117
Table 3.1.1 Unemployed persons by regions and age groups 1991-1997 ...................................... 117
Table 3.1.2 Rate of unemployment by regions and age groups 1991-1997 .................................... 118
Table 3.1.3 Unemployed persons by regions and education levels 1991-1997................................. 119
Table 3.1.4 Rate of unemployment by regions and education levels 1991-1997............................... 120
Table 3.1.5 Unemployed persons by regions and marital status 1991-1997 .................................. 121
Table 3.1.6 Rate of unemployment by regions and marital status 1991-1997 ................................ 122
Table 3.1.7 Unemployed persons by regions and sectors of activity 1991-1997 ............................. 123
Table 3.1.8 Rate of unemployment by regions and sectors of activity 1991-1997 ........................... 124
Table 3.1.9 Unemployed persons by regions and reasons for leaving last job 1991-1997 ................... 125
Table 3.1.10 Unemployed persons by regions and type of employment sought 1991-1997 ...................... 126
Table 3.1.11 Unemployed persons by regions and length of job search 1991-1997............................ 127
Table 3.1.12 Unemployed persons by regions and method of job search 1991-1997............................ 128
Table 3.1.13 Registered unemployed persons by regions and labour force status 1991-1997.................. 129
3.2 Registered unemployment ............................................................................... 130
Table 3.2.1 Registered unemployment as percentage of estimated number of man-years by regions 1991-1997 . 130
Table 3.2.2 Registered unemployment by regions 1991-1997 ................................................ 136
Table 3.2.3 Registered unemployment at end of month by age groups 1986-1997 ............................. 142
Figure 3.2.1 Registered unemployed persons 15-24 years. Percentage of total unemployment 1986-97.
Quarterly data.............................................................................. 143
Table 3.2.4 Registered unemployment by duration of unemployment 1986-1997 ............................... 144
Figure 3.2.2 Registered unemployment for 6 months or longer. Percentage of total unemployment 1986-97.
Quarterly data.............................................................................. 145
Table 3.2.5 Registered unemployed persons 15-24 years. Percentage of total unemployment
by regions 1986-1997........................................................................ 146
Table 3.2.6 Registered unemployment for 6 months or longer. Percentage of total unemployment
by regions 1986-1997 ....................................................................... 147
Table 3.2.7 Registered unemployed persons by regions, age groups and duration of unemployment 1997....... 148
Table 3.2.8 Registered unemployed persons by regions, age groups and duration of unemployment 1997 (%) 150
3.3 International unemployment rates ...................................................................... 152
Table 3.3.1 Rate of unemployment in fourteen OECD countries 1991-1996 ................................... 152
4 Inactive persons ........................................................................................... 153
Synopsis ................................................................................................... 153
Figure 4.1 Inactive persons by main status 1997 ........................................................ 153
Tables ..................................................................................................... 154
Table 4.1 Inactive persons by regions and main activity status 1991-1997 .............................. 154
Table 4.2 Inactive persons by regions and age groups 1991-1997 ........................................ 155
Table 4.3 Inactive persons by regions and education levels 1991-1997................................... 156
Table 4.4 Inactive persons by regions and marital status 1991-1997 .................................... 157
Table 4.5 Inactive persons by regions and reasons for not seeking a job 1991-1997 ..................... 158
5 Women and the labour market ................................................................................ 159
Synopsis ................................................................................................... 159
Figure 5.1 Females 25-54 years. Activity rates by age of youngest child 1991-1997 ..................... 159
Figure 5.2 Females 25-54 years. Actual hours worked byage of youngest child 1991-1997 ................. 160
Tables ..................................................................................................... 161
Table 5.1 Females 25-54 years by labour force status and children in household 1991-1997............. 161
Table 5.2 Females 25-54 years. Activity rate and unemployment rate by children in household 1991-1997 162