Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.1995, Page 31

Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.1995, Page 31
Gistiskýrslur 29 Tafla 4. Fjöldi gistinátta á hótelum og gistiheimilum eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1992-1994 (frh.) Table 4. Overnight stays in hotels and guesthouses by region and citizenship of guests 1992-1994 (cont.) Höfuð- borgar- Landið svæði Norður- Norður- allt Capital Vestur- Vest- land land Austur- Suður- Total region Suðurnes land firðir vestra eystra land land Desember December 15.761 11.861 611 Island Iceland 8.243 5.135 128 Danmörk Denmark 757 537 175 Svíþjóð Sweden 1.137 1.108 17 Noregur Norway 733 679 3 Finnland Finland 237 234 3 Bretland U.K. 1.158 1.143 11 Þýskaland Germany 565 480 85 Holland Netherlands 280 279 1 Frakkland France 251 223 5 Sviss Switzerland 134 134 - Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 839 777 61 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 961 778 94 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 466 354 28 1993 Allt árið Wltole year 660.989 376.141 15.653 Island Iceland 216.592 76.247 2.718 Danmörk Denmark 28.742 21.937 2.369 Svíþjóð Sweden 48.054 40.409 414 Noregur Norway 38.388 31.936 365 Finnland Finland 6.704 5.515 92 Bretland U.K. 41.453 31.823 663 Þýskaland Germany 113.962 60.481 2.811 Holland Netherlands 13.099 9.272 180 Frakkland France 25.842 11.200 225 S viss Switzerland 23.830 13.810 97 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 45.543 27.376 1.491 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 35.433 26.933 3.165 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 21.445 17.569 925 Janúar January 22.814 16.262 1.207 ísland Iceland 11.691 6.428 286 Danmörk Denmark 1.438 1.183 189 Svíþjóð Sweden 1.720 1.665 8 Noregur Norway 1.094 1.035 11 Finnland Finland 141 128 2 Bretland U.K. 1.461 1.431 16 Þýskaland Germany 1.628 1.585 37 Holland Netherlands 306 289 16 Frakkland France 211 204 3 Sviss Switzerland 397 397 - Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 851 695 76 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 1.209 605 521 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 667 617 42 Febrúar February 26.232 18.409 1.206 Island Iceland 13.960 7.241 465 Danmörk Denmark 1.510 1.356 133 Svíþjóð Sweden 1.280 1.230 13 Noregur Norway 1.791 1.733 6 Finnland Finland 173 171 - Bretland U.K. 2.303 2.265 26 Þýskaland Germany 1.178 1.133 23 Holland Netherlands 476 461 13 Frakkland France 213 186 9 Sviss Switzerland 78 78 - Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 972 863 62 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 952 622 280 ÖIl önnur lönd Other countries 1.346 1.070 176 292 177 354 717 528 1.221 285 169 354 704 372 1.096 _ _ _ - 34 11 - : - - - 12 51 A - - - 13 - 10 7 5 - - 71 1 6 - 3 - - 51 30 32.775 12.744 20.466 74.514 43.257 85.439 17.875 10.195 11.330 33.726 20.994 43.507 345 69 374 1.475 609 1.564 813 135 559 1.872 968 2.884 1.139 136 493 1.365 605 2.349 161 18 52 314 143 409 1.194 236 394 2.592 1.187 3.364 5.122 714 3.828 15.266 8.601 17.139 400 188 242 1.005 730 1.082 1.887 238 989 4.413 2.525 4.365 1.370 63 592 4.334 1.480 2.084 1.483 377 1.061 5.140 3.481 5.134 503 260 418 1.820 1.396 938 454 114 133 1.136 498 616 402 231 317 1.400 800 2.195 389 181 317 1.300 713 2.077 2 _ - 24 32 8 1 _ _ 14 2 30 _ _ _ 6 - 42 _ _ _ 11 _ _ 1 - _ 1 4 8 2 - - - - 4 1 - - - - 1 1 3 5 47 _ 24 _ 4 2 1 - 15 48 17 - 2 - 5 - 1 397 317 505 1.549 1.190 2.659 387 280 498 1.415 1.145 2.529 1 _ _ 8 4 8 _ 3 _ 1 2 31 - 16 - 19 o - 17 1 5 z 1 1 4 1 - - 18 1 2 1 j - - - 1 18 - 9 I 24 10 4 _ 2 _ 30 17 1 7 7 2 12 9 63



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