Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.1995, Page 37

Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.1995, Page 37
Gistiskýrslur 35 Tafla 4. Fjöldi gistinátta á hótelum og gistiheimilum eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1992-1994 (frh.) Table 4. Overnight stays in hotels and guesthouses by region and citizenship of guests 1992-1994 (cont.) Landið allt Total Höfuð- borgar- svæði Capital region Suðumes Vestur- land Vest- firðir Norður- land vestra Norður- land eystra Austur- land Suður- land Október October 40.237 26.370 1.412 1.225 846 1.029 2.584 1.697 5.074 Island Iceland 18.212 7.187 679 1.048 770 1.015 2.388 1.656 3.469 Danmörk Denmark 1.823 1.554 156 - 25 - 19 2 67 Svíþjóð Sweden 3.826 3.643 17 - - - 19 12 135 Noregur Norway 2.345 2.184 23 - 39 1 62 - 36 Finnland Finland 555 459 2 - - - 9 - 85 Bretland U.K. 2.524 2.310 55 3 1 1 29 4 121 Þýskaland Germany 3.139 2.616 225 64 - 10 24 1 199 Holland Netherlands 930 838 30 6 - 1 - 50 Frakkland France 491 474 5 - - - 2 - 10 Sviss Switzerland 279 268 2 1 - - 5 2 - Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 2.020 1.798 102 100 5 - - 9 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 2.010 1.852 106 3 6 1 6 16 20 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 2.083 1.187 10 - - - ) 4 873 Nóvember November 30.211 20.949 1.165 780 793 624 1.954 920 3.026 f sland Iceland 16.924 8.813 645 776 755 612 1.726 856 2.741 Danmörk Denmark 1.881 1.647 162 1 19 12 18 18 4 Svíþjóð Sweden 2.604 2.401 12 - - - 27 12 152 Noregur Norway 1.330 1.287 3 - 12 - 25 3 - Finnland Finland 198 196 - - - - 1 - Bretland U.K. 1.463 1.361 52 - 1 - 21 9 19 Þýskaland Germany 750 621 102 2 6 - 11 2 6 Holland Netherlands 556 539 2 - - - 4 - 11 Frakkland France 212 210 - - - - - - Sviss Switzerland 176 176 - - - - - - Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 1.309 1.227 80 - - - 2 - - Bandaríkin U.S.A. 1.847 1.645 94 1 - - 57 19 31 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 961 826 13 - - - 60 - 62 Desember December 19.606 14.786 873 719 355 424 763 596 1.090 fsland lceland 9.077 5.062 442 637 334 424 707 552 919 Danmörk Denmark 797 554 213 - 4 - 16 2 8 Svfþjóð Sweden 935 918 8 - - - 2 - 7 Noregur Norway 592 553 23 - 8 - - 3 Finnland Finland 135 132 - - - - - 3 Bretland U.K. 1.339 1.209 6 32 3 - 2 40 47 Þýskaland Germany 1.885 1.785 73 4 - - 2 - 21 Holland Netherlands 697 691 2 - - - 2 2 Frakkland France 223 218 1 4 - - - - Sviss Switzerland 689 689 - - - - - - Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 875 770 11 38 - - - 51 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 1.522 1.398 81 4 1 - - 29 Öll önnur lönd Other countríes 840 807 13 - 5 - 15 - -



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