Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.1995, Page 52

Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.1995, Page 52
50 Gistiskýrslur Tafla 10. Fjöldi gistinátta á farfuglaheimilum eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1992-1994 Table 10. Overnight stays in youth hostels by region and citizenship ofguests 1992-1994 Höfuð- borgar- Landið svæði Norður- Norður- allt Capital Vestur- Vest- land land Austur- Suður- Total region Suðumes land firðir vestra eystra land land 1992 Allt árið Whole year 31.125 10.656 - 835 1.775 1.457 4.155 6.655 5.592 Island Iceland 5.701 394 - 309 993 679 813 1.624 889 Danmörk Denmark 1.839 884 - 27 1 16 250 433 228 Svíþjóð Sweden 1.765 1.129 - 21 41 35 136 219 184 Noregur Norway 822 477 - 59 1 22 82 102 79 Finnland Finland 1.151 918 - 3 1 15 42 51 121 Bretland U.K. 2.060 774 - 21 31 127 248 378 481 Þýskaland Germany 6.855 2.151 - 190 371 273 1.034 1.530 1.306 Holland Netherlands 713 227 - 9 60 16 68 257 76 Frakkland France 3.294 719 - 38 56 67 504 919 991 Sviss Switzerland 1.628 696 - 29 84 62 194 288 275 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 3.614 1.397 - 84 88 123 626 633 663 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 852 366 - 28 35 12 101 88 222 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 831 524 - 17 13 10 57 133 77 1993 Allt árið Wlioleyear 30.604 9.597 732 1.123 1.816 1.324 3.487 6.322 6.203 Island Iceland 6.080 406 113 333 904 575 713 1.821 1.215 Danmörk Denmark 1.149 520 25 33 28 13 167 116 247 Svíþjóð Sweden 1.403 461 26 42 30 28 165 200 451 Noregur Norway 1.123 682 35 26 8 66 87 101 118 Finnland Finland 697 451 - 26 1 16 59 41 103 Bretland U.K. 1.812 562 21 34 59 62 204 427 443 Þýskaland Germany 7.925 2.541 163 292 414 314 790 1.859 1.552 Holland Netherlands 573 251 31 3 28 13 40 84 123 Frakkland France 2.828 833 47 63 73 44 448 547 773 Sviss Switzerland 1.745 659 43 94 95 70 212 318 254 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 3.309 1.226 106 96 126 103 556 578 518 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 1.074 522 26 44 32 7 36 101 306 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 886 483 96 37 18 13 10 129 100 1994 Allt árið Wholeyear 34.805 11.149 1.488 1.054 1.911 1.203 3.922 6.065 8.013 Island Iceland 7.766 719 76 214 998 563 1.106 1.917 2.173 Danmörk Denmark 2.086 1.113 54 29 27 20 357 173 313 Svíþjóð Sweden 1.646 924 75 33 31 39 110 167 267 Noregur Norway 1.703 1.063 84 42 13 90 75 106 230 Finnland Finland 498 226 13 2 5 4 32 44 172 Bretland£/.Ar. 2.062 936 113 50 52 77 162 286 386 Þýskaland Germany 9.132 2.774 475 293 392 212 1.220 1.560 2.206 Holland Netherlands 843 446 63 30 30 17 52 117 88 Frakkland France 2.591 467 110 88 78 28 177 674 969 Sviss Switzerland 1.545 557 73 61 89 46 202 284 233 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 2.757 847 225 127 148 77 311 433 589 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 1.247 595 44 68 30 2 82 152 274 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 929 482 83 17 18 28 36 152 113



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