Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.1995, Page 66

Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.1995, Page 66
64 Gistiskýrslur Tafla 16. Heildarfjöldi gistinátta eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1992-1994 (frh.) Table 16. Total ovemight stays by region and citizenship of guests 1992-1994 (cont.) Landið allt Höfuð- borgar- svæði Capital Vestur- Vest- Norður- land Norður- land Austur- Suður- Hálendi Highland areas Total region Suðumes land firðir vestra eystra land land Sept.-des. Sept.-Dec. 129.604 89.338 4.416 3.372 1.784 2.024 10.374 6.290 12.006 - ísland Iceland 57.220 27.517 977 2.663 1.654 1.918 8.384 4.917 9.190 - Danmörk Denmark 7.380 5.876 771 33 34 10 297 169 190 - Svíþjóð Sweden 11.573 11.015 78 77 7 5 247 42 102 - Noregur Norway 7.973 7.435 26 20 9 34 174 22 253 - Finnland Finland 2.149 1.987 3 4 3 - 90 39 23 - Bretland U.K. 8.548 7.899 141 50 22 1 176 51 208 - Þýskaland Germany 13.380 10.128 901 266 19 20 263 142 1.641 - Holland Netherlands 2.341 2.200 55 20 - - 48 5 13 - Frakkland France 1.481 1.205 30 11 2 9 74 75 75 - Sviss Switzerland 909 742 17 33 1 5 61 17 33 - Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 5.522 4.571 283 39 5 391 145 88 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 6.832 5.198 941 40 19 6 101 438 89 - Öll önnur lönd Other countries 4.296 3.565 193 116 9 16 68 228 101 - 1993 Allt árið Whole year 965.450 409.748 16.710 42.076 21.487 28.061 153.504 96.850 135.868 61.146 ísland Iceland 332.240 77.359 2.834 23.328 15.867 16.595 55.385 42.669 72.853 25.350 Danmörk Denmark 33.803 22.970 2.395 477 122 432 3.016 1.336 2.199 856 Svíþjóð Sweden 53.416 41.410 444 1.074 206 823 3.381 1.625 3.983 470 Noregur Norway 41.678 32.976 402 1.261 156 586 2.136 1.046 2.712 403 Finnland Finland 8.170 6.124 93 211 26 75 693 308 593 47 Bretland U.K. 53.338 33.480 700 1.348 394 517 6.753 3.558 4.820 1.768 Þýskaland Germany 190.858 71.931 3.162 6.541 2.222 4.857 40.209 22.619 26.170 13.147 Holland Netherlands 26.034 11.484 238 509 318 302 5.079 2.848 2.008 3.248 Frakkland France 52.362 15.511 322 2.470 574 1.229 11.226 6.176 7.318 7.536 S viss Switzerland 35.504 15.606 143 1.612 262 706 8.043 3.688 3.039 2.405 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 72.527 33.303 1.623 1.930 851 1.308 13.226 7.832 7.599 4.855 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 39.530 27.724 3.193 749 344 469 2.654 1.901 1.661 835 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 25.990 19.870 1.161 566 145 162 1.703 1.244 913 226 .1 an .-apríl Jan.-April 128.530 90.081 4.562 2.791 1.383 1.664 8.798 4.693 13.484 1.074 ísland Iceland 63.376 31.771 1.089 2.455 1.139 1.641 7.717 4.230 12.320 1.014 Danmörk Denmark 7.251 6.043 965 3 11 - 107 86 36 _ Svíþjóð Sweden 9.310 8.750 125 144 12 - 118 57 104 - Noregur Norway 9.639 9.039 104 44 25 - 298 35 94 - Finnland Finland 852 811 5 7 - - 18 11 - - Bretland U.K. 9.485 9.061 199 9 10 5 63 97 41 _ Þýskaland Germany 7.901 7.091 279 74 - 5 43 18 363 28 Holland Netherlands 2.583 2.460 43 3 - - 43 22 10 2 Frakkland France 1.785 1.559 18 7 13 - 38 10 122 18 Sviss Switzerland 1.409 1.379 8 - - - - - 12 10 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 4.516 3.894 196 5 143 _ 207 33 36 2 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 5.824 4.377 1.150 29 13 4 80 80 91 - Öll önnur lönd Other countries 4.599 3.846 381 11 17 9 66 14 255 -



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