Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.1995, Page 67

Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.1995, Page 67
Gistiskýrslur 65 Tafla 16. Heildarfjöldi gistinátta eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1992-1994 (frh.) Table 16. Total ovemight stays by region and citizenship guests 1992-1994 (cont.) Landið allt Höfuð- borgar- svæði Capital Vestur- Vest- Norður- land Norður- land Austur- Suður- Hálendi Highland areas Total region Suðumes land firðir vestra eystra land land Maí-ágúst May-August 687.753 216.769 8.404 35.397 17.429 24.316 133.723 85.700 108.974 57.041 ísland Iceland 207.320 19.428 1.084 17.558 12.230 13.136 38.608 33.332 50.016 21.928 Danmörk Denmark 19.006 10.554 811 436 104 422 2.717 1.205 1.980 777 Svíþjóð Sweden 29.795 19.251 234 903 187 792 3.181 1.515 3.267 465 Noregur Norway 22.404 14.802 215 1.207 82 489 1.755 976 2.479 399 Finnland Finland 5.247 3.454 71 184 26 48 620 286 511 47 Bretland U.K. 34.036 15.604 384 1.268 378 482 6.504 3.097 4.580 1.739 Þýskaland Germany 168.096 52.624 2.297 6.251 2.197 4.827 39.773 22.173 25.020 12.934 Holland Netherlands 20.431 6.226 151 498 312 302 5.003 2.803 1.935 3.201 Frakkland France 48.101 12.022 253 2.450 553 1.229 11.144 6.142 6.961 7.347 S viss Switzerland 32.690 12.958 128 1.606 261 696 8.018 3.660 3.000 2.363 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 60.503 23.320 1.094 1.890 704 1.305 12.585 7.707 7.102 4.796 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 23.936 15.017 1.217 643 272 459 2.342 1.676 1.484 826 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 16.188 11.509 465 503 123 129 1.473 1.128 639 219 Sept.-des. Sept.-Dec. 149.167 102.898 3.744 3.888 2.675 2.081 10.983 6.457 13.410 3.031 Island Iceland 61.544 26.160 661 3.315 2.498 1.818 9.060 5.107 10.517 2.408 Danmörk Denmark 7.546 6.373 619 38 7 10 192 45 183 79 Svíþjóð Sweden 14.311 13.409 85 27 7 31 82 53 612 5 NoregurVorway 9.635 9.135 83 10 49 97 83 35 139 4 Finnland Finland 2.071 1.859 17 20 - 27 55 11 82 - Bretland U.K. 9.817 8.815 117 71 6 30 186 364 199 29 Þýskaland Germany 14.861 12.216 586 216 25 25 393 428 787 185 Holland Netherlands 3.020 2.798 44 8 6 - 33 23 63 45 Frakkland France 2.476 1.930 51 13 8 - 44 24 235 171 Sviss Switzerland 1.405 1.269 7 6 1 10 25 28 27 32 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 7.508 6.089 333 35 4 3 434 92 461 57 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 9.770 8.330 826 77 59 6 232 145 86 9 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 5.203 4.515 315 52 5 24 164 102 19 7 1994 Allt árið Wholeyear 1.119.061 446.932 24.295 61.977 24.919 36.362 196.096 101.686 168.725 58.069 Island Iceland 404.884 76.112 5.450 38.603 19.014 23.004 86.867 45.650 84.737 25.447 Danmörk Denmark 47.135 31.903 3.031 678 272 406 5.202 1.296 3.558 789 Svíþjóð Sweden 62.283 47.256 786 1.339 103 607 3.904 1.611 6.059 618 Noregur iVorway 47.490 36.581 640 1.086 139 511 3.161 1.626 3.289 457 Finnland Finland 12.883 9.934 123 231 10 88 788 796 825 88 Bretland U.K. 61.193 37.138 1.245 1.864 460 547 7.362 4.608 6.336 1.633 Þýskaland Germany 217.552 80.207 4.911 9.114 2.189 5.928 41.877 24.228 37.101 11.997 Holland Netherlands 28.787 13.404 663 934 270 373 5.099 2.153 2.976 2.915 Frakkland France 59.236 16.593 767 2.598 325 1.669 13.721 7.765 8.980 6.818 S viss Switzerland 32.701 13.552 504 1.607 302 515 8.866 2.894 2.465 1.996 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 75.013 37.574 2.049 2.412 926 1.757 13.602 5.733 6.753 4.207 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 39.347 26.119 2.484 891 566 511 2.835 1.987 3.027 927 Öll önnur lönd Other countries 30.557 20.559 1.642 620 343 446 2.812 1.339 2.619 177



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