Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Side 86
The crude protein averaged 20.7 per cent
of the dry matter.
4. The nitrate content (N03-N) of the kale
and rape was high at the start of the
experiment, but declined with time. The
kale showed a higher N03-N content
than the rape, both in stems and leaves.
5. The copper content of the kale was
somewhat higher than that usually
found in other Nordic countries.
6. No disease symptoms were observed in
the lambs grazing the kale and rape.
7. During the first 10 days the lambs on
kale and rape did not gain appreciably
in live weight, but group III had 6.2 kg
and group IV 4.7 kg heavier carcass
weight at slaughter than group I.
8. Group III had 4.7 and group IV 4.4 kg
heavier carcass weight than group II.
Group II showed almost 5 kg live weight
increase but no increase in carcass weight.
9. Dressing out percentage in group II de-
creased by 3.3 per cent, but increased by
4.5 and 6.6% in groups III and IV
respectively, compared to group I.
10. A marked increase was observed in size
and weight of the thyroid gland and
liver in the kale and rape groups, the
thyroid being nearly three times and the
liver almost twice the weight of the same
organs in the controls.
11. The chemical composition of the liver
was comparable in all groups with re-
gard to dry matter, protein, fat and ash,
except that group IV showed lowest
value of protein and fat, and the ash
content was about 1 per cent lower in
the kale and rape lambs than in the
12. The copper content of the livers from
lambs in groups III and IV was some-
what lower than that in group I and
only about 14 of that found in group II.
13. No significant difference in liver palata-
bility was found between groups I and
14. The blood picture of the lambs was
comparable to that of housed ewes
during winter, except for a higher level
of urea in the lambs.
15. The blood constituents haemoglobin,
haematocrit and bilirubin content were
found to decrease with time.
16. The clotting time of the blood was
shorter in the kale and rape lambs than
in the controls, both on Oct. 3rd and
Oct. 27th. The clotting time decreased
with time.
17. Worm and egg counts did not indicate
any signs of the lambs being hampered
by parasites.