Christmas in Iceland - 15.12.1940, Side 13

Christmas in Iceland - 15.12.1940, Side 13
Alabaster Crossword 1. Stone of the Force (9). — 7. Beginning of a painful disease (4). — 8. French bird (3). — io. Shall we have leave by this? (6). — 12. “Lindy—” is a song (3). — 13”------ the brave Horatius To the Captain at the Gate”. — Macaulay (3,5). — 15. Captured by Joshua (2). — 16. Captured by the Home Guard (5). — 18. Young eagle (5). — 19. Begins 27 (2). — 21. You’ve seen these isl- ands (8). — 24. End of a fairy (3). — 25. Some think M and V rations are this (6) . — 28. You’ve got this bag (3). — 29. Plural of 26 (4). — 30 Have a merry one! (9). Down: 1. What the horse said when he smelt the battle afar off (3). — 2. —Girls appear in most revues (3). — 3. Adolf is one, and Benito is another (8). — 4. Part of the heart (5). — 5. Sweet cake (6). — 6. Bird or castle (4). — 7. You’re probably here (9). — 9. Ask none, and you’ll be told no lies (9). — 11. End of 7 across (2). — 14. Heathenism (8). — 17. Naval Dockyard (6). — 20. Backs of necks (5). — 22. — or Little by Little (4). — 23. Are we downhearted? (2). — 26. There is too much between us and home (3). — 27. Put it at the top of your letters home (3). CHRISTMAS FARE I As, owing to the demands of the fastive season, and difficulties of procuring adequate supplies of wines and spirits during the winter months, many of our readers may find themselves short of the wherewithal, we offer this recipe for an original and refreshing beverage. i To each gallon of water allow 3 lbs. sugar, 2 oz whole ginger, 2 lemons, 1 orange, a peck of raspberries and a tablespoonful of methy- lated spirits. Wipe off the orange and lemons, de-worm the raspberries, chop up the ginger and polish off the meths. With the field cooker at half heat, put the whole lot (in any order yop like) into a dixie and let it simmer for 0002 hrs. Leave it for 2 days (preferably in a locked and sealed room) and then test it on the C. Q. M. S. Continue to add ginger and meths until the a/m soldier is speechless. Bottle and cork (not too tightly). N.B. Other ranks under the rank of L/Ser- geant are forbidden to brew ginger wine. SCANDINAVIANS Of the Icelanders — especially of the fair sex — it can be truthfully said that the fol- lowing description, frequently applied to their Scandinavian ancestors, can be given them: “By the blue eye, tall form, proportion fair, The limbs athletic, and the long light hair”. ONCE UPON A TIME A long, long time ago Icelanders carried their hospitality to an even greater extent than they do to-day. It is said that some of the spent their whole fortune on a single enter taiment. At their father’s funeral, the sons of Hialte feasted 1200 persons during fourteen days, and Olaf Paa 900 for an equal time. Some parties! Tommy Atkins should not have any scrup- les now in asking his Icelandic neighbours for a cup of coffee! CHRISTMAS IN ICELAND 11


Christmas in Iceland

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