Christmas in Iceland - 15.12.1940, Side 18

Christmas in Iceland - 15.12.1940, Side 18
OCCUPATION OF ICE HHMHi 'f-ww-r IpIflJI illllilltl ■ A' ill * ______■ ' ' j. What will we do next? — A conference in the Quay. Colonel Sturges R. O. C. Landing party. M. FORMALITIES: Mr. Howard Smith, calls Jn Icelandic Government. Just wait! Odd job men lined up outside harbour office — ready for anything. Two British Cruisers in Reykja- \1k Bay, May 10, 1940. At the break of dawn Reykjavik citizens flock to see landing par- ties on main quay. .Royal Marines on the March. They are on their way to oc- cupy posts outside the town.


Christmas in Iceland

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