Christmas in Iceland

Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Christmas in Iceland - 15.12.1940, Qupperneq 27

Christmas in Iceland - 15.12.1940, Qupperneq 27
METRO SLAYER AND SLAYER PRESENT LOVE ON THE HANG A never~fo"he"foirgoften love drama, shifting from town to back~wood life. Featuring—the lovely Jonina Notsocoldsdoftir, the handsome Olafur Fishpanson, the horrid Palmi Maniacsson. Producer’s note: — Whether you like it or not you’ve come in late, so I’ll give you the gist of what has happened so far. — A young couple, violently in love — Jonina and Olafur — have eloped. They have driven off in a stolen car to the backwoods and have been living in Jonina’s father’s ranch for three and half nights. Meantime the vast network of America’s broadcasting organisation is sending out fran- tic appeals for them to return to the “fold”. Without result. bitors” Association have stipulated that there must always be an interval during the second house sitting. O.K.......we don’t mind the interval but I am sure we all agree that the Icelandic operators have the most annoying habit of “cutting out” for the interval just at the crucial moment of the story. Also, they sometimes — I’ll admit very seldom — skip a couple of “frames” with the result that the “horrid Palmi’s” opening skirmishes would probably have been missed. Now read on: — Jonina: — Aw! Turn of the radio Honey. Olafur: — O. K. Toots. Jonina: — Oh, ain’t this grand. Olafur: — You betcha!! Jonina: — D’you still love me.....(Olafur interrupts). Olafur: — (Sudden-like) What wis that rattlin? Jonina: — Nut tin’ at all kid............. (very sudden-like ... a shriek, in fact) . . . . . . . . Gee .... Its POP!! 10 MINUTES INTERVAL This sort of thing happens all too frequent- ly in some of Iceland’s small, but, without a doubt, cosy cinemas. Indeed they are so cosy that equivalent body to our “Cinema Exhi- QNV130I NI SVWISI3H0 Another recope. Steamed meat pudding. (Just as mother used to make it). Ingredients: — One breakfastcupful (Naafi size) each of cooked Icelandic mutton, soaked bread — just a little, handful (small) of cheese rind, grated, and pickles, sauces, fishbones — anything the Sergeant — Major does’nt like. Pass through mincer. Cover an leave for an hour. Un-cover off for a two and a half mi- nutes and replace for quarter of an hour. Then turn into greased dixie and simmer on feild cooker adding salt to everyones taste. Serve hot. P. S. The addition of one ascorbic tablet does not harm this dish. Remember: — Waste Nothing. Disguise your odds and ends! 25


Christmas in Iceland

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