Christmas in Iceland - 15.12.1940, Page 30
Thou wilt then, O king, dearly buy the life of
Egil, when we be all laid dead on the field, I
and my followers. Far other treatment
should I have expected of thee, than that
thou wouldst prefer seeing me laid dead on
the earth to granting me the boon I crave
of one man’s life”.
Then answered the king: “A wondrous eag-
er champion art thou, Arinbjorn, in this thy
helping of Egil. Loth were I to do thee scathe,
if it comes to this; if thou wilt rather give
away thine own life than that he be slain.
But sufficient are the charges against Egil,
whatever I cause to be done with him”.
And when the king had said this, then Eg-
il advanced before him and began the poem,
and recited in a loud voice, and at once won
King Eric sate upright while Egil recited
the poem, and looked keenly at him. And
when the song of praise was ended, then
spake the King: “Right well was the poem
recited; and now, Arinbjorn, I have resolved
about the couse between me and Egil, how
it shall go. Thou hast pleaded Egil’s cause
with me. Now shall I for thy sake do what
thou hast asked, letting Egil go from my land
safe and unhurt. But thou, Egil, so order thy
goings that, after leaving my presence and this
hall, thou never come before my eyes, nor my
sons’ eyes, nor be ever in the way of myself
or my people. But I give thee now thy head
this time for this reason, that thou earnest
freely into my power. I will do no dastardly
deed on thee; yet know thou this for sure,
that this is no reconciliation with me or my
sons or any of our kin who wish to wreak
their vengeance.