Iceland review - 2002, Page 15
The yin and the yang: green grasses meet
caked mud flats at Hvammur, the second
farm in Skatártunga county on 208.
Fjallabaksleid is open from mid-June until the first snowfalls of
September. You can’t get petrol once you’re on it. It has no per-
manent residents. But for 90 days a year, it’s home to a nomadic
breed of traveller who pack their supplies weeks ahead, kilo for
kilo, in preparation for journeys on monster tyre, motorcycle,
bicycle, and foot. The fruit of their labours? The ‘Road Behind
the Mountains’ is one of the most geographically diverse routes
in Iceland, passing ice caves, lava fields, waterfalls, geysirs, and
volcanic chasms. In short, there is nothing like it on earth.
10 IR302 - Fjallabak bs-rm 2.9.2002 10:01 Page 13