Iceland review - 2002, Síða 49

Iceland review - 2002, Síða 49
Maybe you have been trekking in Nepal. Maybe you have already met headhunters in Borneo. Maybe you have walked the Chinese Wall. And maybe you have seen the sunrise over Mount Kenya. But you haven't seen the world until you've seen Greenland. Greenland is nature's masterwork. So beautiful and breathtaking that words become small and humankind even smaller. The world's largest island offers a colour- ful culture, gigantic icebergs, calving glaciers, dogsledding across snow and ice, helicopter trips above mountains and sea, barbecue on the inland ice cap, sailing and spotting whales, seals, musk oxen and eagles. Greenland is accessible to all with a hunger for life and extraordinary expe- riences. An unforgettable adventure is within reach and waits to be explored. A visit to Greenland will stay with you for the rest of your life! Greenland Tourism The National Tourist Board of Greenland Pilestraede 52 P.O. Box 1139 DK-1010 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel.: +45 33 69 32 00 Fax: +45 33 93 38 83 Greenland a world you’ll never forget 47 ad greenland tourism 4.9.2002 9:41 Page 47
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Iceland review

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