Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1978, Síða 39

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1978, Síða 39
Sniolvs kvæði 47 the five tcettir comprising the somewhat older second layer. Like them, it was composed as a prehistory to a tragic episode in the cycle and reflects a keen interest in depicting the charac- ters of the protagonists of the cycle. In Frúgvin Olrina the ballad man pays special attention to Sniolv, whom he portrays as altruistically defending the fatherless Olrina from the thug- gish assaults of Ásmund. The portrayal of Virgar relies on a knowledge of three earlier tættir. Whereas in the earlier bal- lads he is merely a somewhat flawed character, Virgar is in Frúgvin Olrina a full-fledged villain, a lecher with a castle full of women. This aspect of his character is doubtless derived from the scene in Hildibrands táttur when Virgar’s women, his troop of stoltsinsmoyggjar, reveal to Ásmund their knowledge of past incidents in his life. Virgar’s villainy in Frúgvin Olrina is probably inspired by Hildardalsstríð, in which his sending of Ásmund to fight Grím ultimately leads to Grím’s death. And there is a clear reference to Virgars táttur when, after rejecting Virgar, Olrina insults him by saying that he has been afraid to set foot outside his castle ever since he was deafeated by Ásmund. In composing Frúgvin Olrina the ballad man seemed to delight in exhibiting his intimate knowledge of Sniolvs kvæði. He designed his new ballad to be a prehistory of important episodes in the cycle just as the ballad men before him had done when composing new tættir. But the composer of Frúgvin Olrina outdid the earlier poets of the Sniolv cycle — his ballad is the prehistory of not just one, but two episodes in Sniolvs kvæði. Sniolv defends Olrina by imprisoning Ásmund. Ás- mund’s remark when he is released — that someone will have cause to remember these doings — is an articulation of his motive for killing Sniolv in Ásmunds táttur. Likewise, when Olrina rejects Virgar’s suit, his messenger, Geyti, kills her father and brothers, murders which Grím tries to avenge in Hildar- dalsstríð. It is interesing that Clemensen did not collect Frúgvin Olrina until 1827. Sniolvs kvæði was among those first recorded when
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