Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1978, Side 44
Sniolvs kvæði
to think that the occasional appearance of »kellingarson« in Sniolvs kvæði
is the result of a later confusion. See both his »Die færøischen Dvorgamoy-
lieder«, Arkiv for nordisk filologi, NS 32 (1920), 214, and his »Die
nordische und deutsche Hildebrandsage«, Zeitschrift fiir deutsche Philo-
logie, 49 (1923), 174—175.
6 Trans.: 108. This was the last battle, true to tell, except where on a
green field he slew his son. 109. Except where on a green field he slew
his son; I swear that oath by my troth, then he lay himself alongside.
7 Trans.: 39. »If you are Sjúrð Sigmundarson, I don’t want to fight;
there is no one so brave in the world who dares to suffer your sword.
40. All courtly men are accustomed thus to practice jousting and to fight;
I will grant you victory; my wish now is to ride home. 41. Now my wish
is to ride to my hall both right away and fast; Ásmund is anchored in
Brandarvík; I expect his arrival soon.«
8 Trans.: 269. Ásmund is standing on a green field, thinks himself in
danger; »Give me leave to ride today back to Selgjaland.« 270. »Now
I have cleaved your armor, you won’t take heed; soon you will go with
Sniolv’s head to Adalløs.«
9 de Boor, »Die færøischen Dvorgamoylieder«, p. 226.
10 My thanks to Mortan Nolsøe of the Faroese Academy, who called
my attention to the fact that Pastor J. H. Schrøter drew up a list of
ballads considered in the Faroe Islands to be older than one hundred
years and sent it to P. E. Miiller, who included it in his introduction to
H. C. Lyngbye’s Prerøiske Qvceder om Sigurd Fofnersbane og hans Æt
(Randers, 1822), pp. 16—20. Both Sniolvs kvæði in seven tættir and Gríms
ríma are listed here. However, I would like to suggest that Schrøter knew
nothing definite about the age of the ballads on his list, but merely in-
cluded the titles of all the non-satirical, anonymous ballads that he knew
— precisely those ballads about which too little was known to be able
to ascertain the date they were composed.
Kvæðabólkurin, ið er kendur undir navninum Sniolvs kvæði, var enn
í vøkstri seinna helming av átjandu øld og nakað inn í ta nítjandu. Líkt
er til, at kvæðið í upphavssniði sínum hevði tveir tættir, Sniolvs tátt og
Ásmundar tátt; hetta kemur til sjóndar í E- og F-uppskriftunum av kvæð-
inum í Føroya kvxðum (Corpus carminum færoensium). Hóast tekstur
Svabos er elsta uppskriftin, sýnir hann kvæðið á einum seinni stigi í
vøkstri sínum: teir báðir upprunaligu tættirnir eru innfeldir í aðra søgu
(ið søgd er í Golmars tátti og Gríms tátti) um mann, ið óavvitandi verður
syni sínum at bana í bardaga. Næsta stig í vøkstri kvæðisins tykjast kvæða-