Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1978, Síða 144
Hendrik W. Poulsen, málfrøSingur og Jóan Pauli Joensen,
fólkalívsfrøðingur. Nevndin hevur skipað seg soleiðis: Høgni
Debes Joensen, formaður, Jóan Pauli Joensen, næstformaður og
Jóhan Hendrik W. Poulsen, kassameistari. Allir tríggir sita
sum ritstjórar á Fróðskaparriti.
Nýggja nevndin ber fráfarandi nevnd sína bestu tøkk fyri,
at teir hava lynt so væl undir hana; eisini vil hon nýta høvi at
takka Mentunargrunni Føroya løgtings, sum so trúliga hevur
borið Fróðskaparrit uppi hesi 25 árini. Vit vóna at fáa eins
gott samstarv við grunnin, sum fráfarna nevndin hevur havt.
Change of Editorship
Two names which have appeared on the title page of Fróð-
skaparrit since its inception in 1952 are missing from this 26th
Volume: Hans Debes Joensen and Jóannes Rasmussen. They
have served as editors of the journal and as committee-
members for all the 25 years that Fróðskaparrit and the Føroya
Fróðskaparfelag have been in existence.
In the general meeting of the Fróðskaparfelag on 17 Decem-
ber, 1977, they stepped down from the committee, and, at the
same time, retired from editorship. Sverri Dahl, our National
Antiquary, served with them as a fellow committee-member
during all those years. He was not an editor, but he wrote all
the more for the journal. Sverri Dahl also stepped down from
the committee. Although pressed to do so, none of the three
would stand for re-election. They felt that a term of 25 years
was long enough.
For the first ten years Hans Debes Joensen and Jóannes
Rasmussen served alone as editors, then, in 1962, they were
joined by Jóhannes av Skarði, lexicographer and teacher. He
retired from editorship in 1973 and his place was taken by