Lögberg - 22.12.1938, Side 13

Lögberg - 22.12.1938, Side 13
LÖfíBERG, FIMTUDAOINN 22. DESEMBER 1938 13 IHE COLLEGE DF HIGHER STANDARDS FOR--- -------- = Students of Matricufation and University Education We admit to our Day Classes only students of Matriculation or University education. “The Success’’ is the only private coftimercial school in Winnipeg which provides its students with independent graduation examinations. The Business Educators’ Association of Canada sets and marks all graduation examinations of “Success’’ students. The B. E. A. standards are admittedly the liig'hest in Canada. STAFF MEMBERS D. F. FERGUSON, President and Principal. G. H. LAUGHTON, Mail Course Supervisor. J. G. GRANT, C.A., Accountancy Dept. RITA GOOD, B.A., P.C.T., Shorthand Speed Dept. EVA HOOD, P.C.T., Shorthand Theory Dept. LOA EYRIKSON, Typewriting Dept. LOUISE McDONALD, P.C.T., Shorthand Dept. MABEL ANDERSON, B.A., P.C.T., Shorthand Dept. BLANCHE McINTYRE, M.A., English Dept. P. FAURSCHOU, Accountancy Dept. W. S. ROWLAND, B.S.A., Accountancy Dept. ARNOLD GORLING, Penmanship Dept. FLORENCE KELLETT. B.A., Office Machinery Dept. G. S. WRIGHT, B.A., Secretarial Dept. / SYLVIA PRICE, B.A., Typewriting Dept. HAZEL GUNN, P.C.T., Shorthand Dept. EDNA REX, B.A., P.C.T., English Dept. ALBERTA GRIGGS, B.A., Shorthand Dept. WINNIFRED GREGORY, B.A., Personal Development Dept. J. C. WAY, Field Service Dept. P. ELLOR, LL.B., Commercial Law Dept. VALBORG NIELSEN, B.A., College Secretary. FACT 1—EMPLOYMENT RESULTS THAT COUNT FOR “SUCCESS-TRAINED” YOUNG PEOPLE 1000 Directly or indirectly through our Employment De- Placements partment more than 1000 Success. College applicants in 12 Months secured office positions in 1938. FACT 2—“SUCCESS” GRADUATES WIN OVER ALL OTHERS IN CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS In the 1938 Dominion Government Civil Service Examinations for Stenograpers for the City of Winnipeg, 192 candidates passed, of which 106 were trained at The Success College. Eighty-six were trained in 5 High Schools and 6 other private Commercial Colleges in Winnipeg and other Manitoba cities. For confirmation we refer you to the Canada Gazette, the official bulletin of the Dominion Government and to our students’ record department. A similar record was made by Success College graduates in each Provincial and Dominion Civil Serviee Examination for Stenographers for a number of years. 1339 WILL BE A YEAR OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR “SUCCESS-TRAINED” YOUNG PEOPLE Will you be ready to fill one of the many vacancies for secretaries, stenographers, aocountants, comptometer operators, and general business employees. In every department of business more ‘‘Success’’ trained young men and women will be required in 1939. Our plan of instruction presents one of the safest and surest means of attaining success, provided that you have the desire and ability to thoroughly qualify for an office position. NEW TERM OPENS TUESDAY, JANUARY 3rd Our New Term will open on Tuesday, Janqary 3rd, and we invite you to begin your “Suocess” course then, or as early after that date as it is possible for your to enroll. RESERVE YOUR DESK EARLY If you cannot enroll on January 3rd, you may begin later, as our system of personal and group instruction permits new students to commence at any time and to start right at the beginning of each subject. Our maximum of 500 day school students is requently reached, however; accordingly, we suggest that you advise us as early as possible in regard to the approximate date on which you expect to enroll. A personal call at our office, or a remittance of $10.00 by mail will reserve your desk for the date on which you desire to' commence. WRITE US, CALL AT OUR OFFICE, or TELEPHONE 25 843 for a copy of our 36-Page illustrated Prospectus, which contains detailed information regarding our courses and the College. This book is free, on request. Success Business College Portage Avenue at Edmonton Street, Winnipeg Telephone 25 843 or 25 844 DAY COURSES No. 1—SHORTHANJ) (Finlshlng Course) Shoiihand Spci'd, T.v|)C‘\vritiiií>: Speedi, Review of Correspondence, Spelling, Penmanship, Calculation, Office Prac- tice. This coursc is designed for students who have previously taken stenographic training. On subjects in which the student is quali- fied, he may arrange to take final examina- tlons without class work. Approximate time: 4 to 6 monthg. No. 2—SHORTHANI) (Complete Course) (Also Civil Service Course) Sliorthand, Typewriting, Correspon- dence, Spclling, Penmansliip, Calcula- tion, Office Practice. This course is suitable for those who desire to qualify for a position as junior Bteno- grapher. By including Secretarial Duties this course also meets the requirements of Grade 1 Civil Service Examinations for Stenographers. Approximate time: 6 to 9 months. No. 3—SHORTHAND (With Machines) Sliorthand, Typewriting, Correspon- dence, Spelling, Penmanship, Calcula- tlon, Office Practice, Dictaphone,* Comptomcter. * There is an increasing demand for steno- graphers who can operate office machines. The student may select one or both of the rnachines indicated above. Approximate time: 7 to 10 months. No. 4—STKXOGRAPHIC— Bookkeeping, Calculation, Sliorthand, Typewriting, Correspondence, Spelling, Penmanship, Office Practice. In addition to a thorough training in all the subjects of Course No. 2, this course pro- vides a knowledge of Bookkeeping. Approximate time: 8 to 10 months. No. 5—STENOGRAPHIC (With Macliines) — Bookkeeping, Calculation, Shorthand, Typewriting, Correspondence, Spclling, Penmanship, Offioe Practicc, Dicta- phone, * Comptometer. * The student may select one or both of the machines indicated above. Approximate time: 9 to 12 months. No. <i—A( (’Ol'NTANCY— B<K)kkeeping. Accountancy, Aritlimetic, Ilapid Caleulation, Spelling, Business Law. CorresiK>ndenoe, Penmanship, Typewriting.* This course qualifies the student for an accounting position, and also serves as a foundation for the examinations of the In- stitute of CharteVed Accountants (C. A. degree), or any other Accountancy degree. Approximate time: 8 to 10 months. No. 7—GENEIIAL OFFICE TRAINING (A) — Iiookkeepins:. Acconnlimcy, Arithmetic, ltapicl Caleulatioii. Spelling, Business I juw, Chrresponclence, Penmanship, Sliorthand, Tjpewritinu, Office Prac- tice. Thls course Is improperly advertlsed by some Colleges as a ‘‘Buslness Admlnstra- tion Course.' Please refer to our Business Administration Course, No. 11. Approximate tlme: 10 to 12 months. Xo. 8—GKNF.R.YI, OFFICE TRAINING (B) — BtMikkeepiiiK. Aocountancy, Sliorthand, Tjrpewritins, Correspondenoe, Spelling, Penmanship, Rapid Calculation, Arith- metic, Business taw, Office Practice, Secretarial Duties.* This course ís improperly adverttsed by some Colleges as a "Secretarial Course." Please refer to our Secretarial Course, No. 10. Approxiniate time: 11 to 13 months._ \o. 9—COMPTOMETEl!— Comptometer, Tjrpewriting (Theory and Speed), Bapid Calculation, Office Practice. The student may select Comptometer or Burroughs Calculator. Approximate time: 3 to 5 months.___ No. 10—KXKjCI tivf. skcrktahial— Shorthand, Typcwriting, Busincss Det- tcr Writing, Bookkccping, Spclling, Penmanship, Rupid CaJculation, Com- mcrcial Law, Arithmctic, Sccretarial Sc'icncc, library Science, Busincss Man- agcmcnt, Econoniics, Money and Bank- ing, Offic*c Practice. In Winnipeg, this course is available only at The Success College. Being of Univer- sity content and quality, it should be Be- lected by those who desire to qualify for an executive secretarial position. Approximate timé: 12 to 15 months._ No. 11—BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Acc'ountancy, Arithmctic, Rapid Cal- culation, Commercial Daw, Business Ijctter Writing, Spclling, Penmanship, Auditing. Money and Banking, Type- writing, Commcrcial Geograpliy, Sales- manship, Business Managcment, Economics, Office Practice. This course is broad in scope, and is suit- able for any young man of advanced edu- cation who desires to become a business manager or a corporation executive. Approximate tlme: 12 to 15 months._ No. 12—SPECIAD MACHINERY COTTRSE— Comptometer, Burroughs Calculator, Burroughs Bookkccping Machine, El- liott Fisher, Dictaphone, Gestetner, Tclcpiionc Switchboard, Stenotype. NOTFÍ—Stenotypy may bo substituted for Shorthand. Comptometer, Typewriting and Dictaphone may be combined wi^ any course or group of subjects. Office Practice is not a separate subject but is the advanced section of Typewriting. • Subject may be omitted; final examination on «this subject not required for B. E. A. Diploma.



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