

Ægir - 01.01.1982, Page 46

Ægir - 01.01.1982, Page 46
hrygningarstofnar lélega árganga, ef skilyrði eru léleg. Engin augsýnileg ástæða virðist til þess að ætla að loðnustofninn sé undanþeginn þessum lögmálum náttúrunnar. Summary: Capelin larvae investigations 1977—1981 Investigations on the spawing grounds at Iceland have been carried out in the years 1976—1981 by the Marine Research Institute. A part of the material from those investigations on the capelin larvae in 1977—1981 is presented here. The capelin spawns in mars-april at temperature of 5°—7° C. Incubation period is 3—4 weeks. The larvae hatch 9.4% at 5 mm, 60.0% at 6 mm and 30.6% at 7 mm. The larvae start feeding soon after hatching. In a month the larvae reach 12 mm length and in 3 month 4—6 cm in average. The hatching period is shown in fig. 1. Length distribu- tion for all the years is shown in fig. 2. Mortality in percentage, based on the length distribution from all surveys in each year, is shown in fig. 3. From estimated, based on Norwegian and Cana- dian observations on egg mortality, 70% egg mortality from spawning to hatching, and fecundity investigations on Barents Sea capelin, the egg mass and spawning stock each year is calculated as shown in table 1. It is concluded that unfaverable conditions in the sea after hatching and during the summer are mainly responsible for the relatively poor year- classis of capelin produced in 1977—1981. Helstu heimildir. 1. Bakke og Bjorke, 1973. Diving observation on Barents Sea capelin at the spawing grounds of Northern Norway. Fisk. Dir. Skr. Ser. Hav Undens., 16; 4. 2. Dragesund, Gjosæter and Monstad, 1973. Estimates of stock size and reproduction of the Barents Sea capelin in 1970—1972. Fisk. Dir. Skr. Ser. Hav Undens., 16; 4. 3. Eyjólfur Friðgeirsson, 1976. Observations on! spawning behaviour and embryonic development of the Icelandic capelin. Rit Fiskideildar 5, 4. 4. Frank and Leggott, 1979. Subtidal occurrence of larval capelin (Mallotus villosus) as related to variation on the intertidal distribution of their eggs. ICES/ELH. Symp./DA:Poster 10. Woodshole 1979. Not published. 5. Gjosæter and Monstad, 1973. Fecundity and egg size of spring spawning Barents Sea capelin. Fisk. Dir. Skr. Ser. Hav Undens., 16; 4. 6. Hjálmar Vilhjálmsson, 1981. Vetrarvertíðin 1980. Loðnu- veiðarnar 1980. Loðnunefnd. 7. Prokhorov, 1965. Ekologia moivy Barentsevo morja í perspektivy ego promyshlennogo izpolsovanija. Trudi P.I.N.R.O. 19 Murmansk. 8. Svend-Aage Malmberg, 1979. Astand sjávar og fiskstofna við ísland. III. Ástand sjávar og loðnu. Ægir. 11. tbl. 9. Ástand nytjastofna á íslandsmiðum og aflahorfur 1980. Hafrannsóknir 20. hefti. 10. Ástand nytjastofna á Islandsmiðum og aflahorfur 1981. Hafrannsóknir 22. hefti. 11. Árlegar seiðarannsóknaskýrslur. 1970—1981. A. Nýklakin lirfa. 5,6 mm löng. 18 sólarhr. eftir frjóvgun. B. 4 sólarhr. eftir klak. 6,7 mm löng. 3 vikum eftir frjóvgun. 34 — ÆGIR



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