

Ægir - 01.06.1990, Page 55

Ægir - 01.06.1990, Page 55
6/90 ÆGIR 339 A Isfisksölur í maí 1990 Sölu- Sölu- Magn Erl. ísl. Meðal- Þorskur — dagur: staður: kg mynt kr. verð kg Bretland: fe þorriSU402 2- Sléttanes ÍS 808 2. Grimsby 79.356 £ 97.881.44 9.760.692.35 123.00 68.890 3. Hull 125.405 £ 128.642.99 12.812.830.20 102.70 71.560 Þórunn Sveinsdóltir VE 401 8. Hull 106.713 £ 108.424.86 10.863.711.00 101.80 66.150 Oddgeir ÞH 222 9. Hull 83.620 £ 85.796.64 8.600.590.65 102.85 37.780 5- Órn VE 244 Valdimar Sveinsson VE 22 '■ Andvari VE 100 Guðrún VE 122 9. Hjörleifur RE 211 ■ Gu&mundur Krisfinn SU 404 1 ■ Klettsvík VE 127 2- Geiri Péturs ÞH 344 3- Huginn VE 55 4- Bergvík VE 505 A^Sandgerðingur GK 268 9. Aberdeen 52.810 £ 54.487.23 5.462.614.04 103.44 14.081 10. 16. Grimsby Hull 110.440 69.635 £ £ 97.730.05 72.802.40 9.757.330.70 7.258.777.70 88.35 104.24 81.600 11.515 21. Grimsby 83.755 £ 70.240.79 7.105.734.90 84.84 48.150 22. Grimsby 76.738 £ 100.283.87 10.152.643.20 132.30 49.870 23. Grimsby 78.160 £ 94.822.93 9.612.806.85 122.99 70.300 23. Hull 48.240 £ 46.302.34 4.694.333.08 97.31 19.650 24. Hull 75.630 £ 88.525.14 8.990.711.30 118.88 21.125 2. og 30. Hull 152.389 £ 165.294.26 16.742.009.50 109.86 48.900 29. Hull 56.670 £ 57.768.49 5.859.108.40 103.39 37.050 29. Hull 50.905 £ 49.119.80 4.981.877.48 97.87 44.200 Samtals 1.250.466 1.318.123.23 132.655.761.35 106.08 690.821 V'Þýskaland: '■ Vigri RE 71 2- ViðeyREó 3- lón Baldvinsson RE 208 3. og 25. Bremerhaven 501.327 DM 1.295.580.52 46.491.494.10 92.74 18.355 8. Bremerhaven 325.204 DM 589.732.79 21.387.243.80 65.77 27.972 10. Bremerhaven 203.284 DM 426.699.80 15.532.564.70 76.41 16.061 4- Ogri RE 72 14. Bremerhaven 204.412 DM 652.319.89 21.044.413.00 102.95 2.210 5- Bessi ÍS 410 Engey RE 1 -2_i Skagstrendingur SK 4 17. Bremerhaven 305.993 DM 869.851.45 31.556.852.80 103.13 37.577 21. Bremerhaven 193.770 DM 534.039.50 19.250.933.40 99.35 23.156 25. Bremerhaven 142.213 DM 378.368.38 13.590.020.80 95.56 10.850 - Samtals 1.876.203 4.746.592.33 168.853.522.60 89.99 136.181 l~rakkland írá Crimsby: * Guðmundur Kristinn SU 404 -Í_H|örleifur RE 211 23. 22. Baulange Baulange 18.551 22.488 £ £ 78.212.00 115.243.00 830.946.70 44.79 54.71 0 0 Samtals 41.039 193.455.00 50.22 0 ^'Þýskaland frá Grimsby: —L__Hjörleifur RE 211 23. Bremerhaven 21.408 £ 43.662.70 1.560.677.67 72.90 0 ^kkland frá Grimsby: '• Gullver NS 12 30.4 Baulange 23.175 £ 141.558.60 1.520.458.27 65.61 2.080 B*lgia frá Grimsby: —L_Gullver NS 12 30.4 Zeebrugge 11.747 £ 467.297.00 816.103.89 69.47 0 Samtals í maí 1990 3.224.038 307.467.716.50 829.082 ÆGIR minnir á að rit FISKIFÉLAGS ÍSLANDS ÚTGERÐ OG AFKOMA 1989 fæst á skrifstofu félagsins



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