Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði - 01.01.2003, Page 105
A Note on nokkurr
2. The Icelandic Homily Book
In the Icelandic Homily Book (S) altogether 85 forms of the pronoun
nokkurr and 44 of nokkuð are found. Of the 85 forms of nokkurr 71
belong to the nekkverr paradigm (including the single form spelled
nœcq-) and only two to the nakkvarr paradigm. For this manuscript I
cannot confirm Hreinn Benediktsson’s statement that nakkvarr
inflects as an alö-stem, as no relevant forms occur. Three mixed forms
are found: lOlrló “nacqn”, 43v7 “naqRi”, and 51v5 “necqrf’, none of
which gives information about the type of stem (a/ö or ja/jö-stem).
About the first of these it should be remarked that, although the tittle
in S usually stands for er, it is also found for ar, so that a reading “nac-
q«arn” cannot be dismissed out of hand. The remaining nokkurr forms
are: “nocqr” 64r25, “nocko2ö” 92vl3, “npckp^” 43rl4, “npcqn” 44v8,
“npckö” 51rl7, “n0cco2” 69v30, “npccofc” 70rl7, “n0cko3i” 73v36,
“necyrö/n0cyrö” 73vl.7 As already mentioned Wisén’s edition and
Larsson’s Ordförrádet have also “ndcqnmom ” 95r32, but I have
transcribed it as “necquí'riom”.
Of the 44 nokkut forms, 32 are nom./acc. (22 nakkvat, 10 nekkvat)
and 12 dative. Of the dative forms 8 are necque/neque. The remaining
4 forms are: “n0ckva” 93v23, “ndcq” 44v5, “n0cki” 72v26, “n0cq”
44V11. Another difference between Wisén’s edition and my own is
“necqui” 71rl6, where Wisén has “n0cqn/” (154:35).
In 38 of the total 63 texts in the Icelandic Book of Homilies at least
°ne form of nokkurr/nokkuð is found. Most texts employ the nekkver-
Paradigm together with either nekkvat or nakkvat (but not with both).
Nakkvar- in combination with nakkuat is found in 2 texts (g and k).8
In text g also the single nekkvar- form is found and the form
“npckerom”. The two nakkver- forms are found in texts e and rv In r.
short, and sometimes specific words seem to have a preferred spelling, which can
deviate from the one constructed by choosing the most usual spelling for each of the
Phonemes in the word.
7 Wisén and Larsson have “npcyrom”, while my own edition has “necyroííi”. ‘0’ is
Certainly possible and after this closer look at the complete material I would prefer it.
The sigla for the texts are those used in my edition.