

Sameiningin - 01.03.1936, Blaðsíða 31

Sameiningin - 01.03.1936, Blaðsíða 31
Equip Your Sunday School With the Be§l SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON COURSES The Christian Life Course Edited by REV. PAUL J. HOH A carefully gradecl course for our Sunday school chil- dren between the ages of 3 and 17. It may be used in either “closely graded” or “group graded” schools. It is Christo- centric, biblical, Lutheran, vital, and practical. It applies the newer psychology and methods of teaching. It is issued in quarterly form, the year beginning with October. Pupils and teachers each have their own material. A prospectus of this course, but no free samples, will be provided. A sample packet of the literature for the first quarter may be obtained for $1.00. The Augsburg Uniform Lesson Series (Based on the International Improved XJniform Lessons) Edited bt/ CHARLES P. WILES, D.D. and D. BURT SMITII, D.D. A series in which carefully selected passages from the Bible are used as text. The whole school is studying the same lesson. The lesson material for the pupils is published in quarterly form except a monthly paper for the little children. There are also colored cards and large charts fCíT their use. The course begins with January. “The Augsburg Teacher,” the teacher’s manual, includes general information and specific helps, and is issued monthly. In addition, there is the useful bound volume, “The Lesson Commentary.” Pree samples of monthly and quarterly material will be furnisb^d. For further information and prices on l)oth courses write us The United Lutheran Puhlication House 1228-1234 SPRUCE STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA.



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