

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1952, Síða 18

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1952, Síða 18
96 LÆKNABLADIÐ Tólfta þing Aiþjóða- berklalæknafélagsins. Eftirfarandi auglýsing hefir borizt Læknablaðinu frá skrifstofu Land- læknis: The Xllth Conference of the Inter- national Union against T'uberculosis will be held at Rio de Janeiro, under the Presidency of Prof. Manoel de Abreu, on August 24—27, 1952, witli the accompanying agenda: First subject: „Immunity and Tuberculosis“. Opening report by Prof. Arvid Wallgren (Swed- en). Second subject: „Tratment and sept. 1923. For.: Eirikur O. Helgasou og Emilía Einarsdóttir. Einkunn: I, 150y3 stig. Guðjón Guðnason, f. i Reykjavík 23. júní 1923. For.: Guðni Eyjólfsson og Sigrún Sigurðardóttir k. h. Eink- unn: I, 147 stig. Kjartan Ólafsson, f. á Krosshóli í Svarfaðardal 27. febr. 1919. For.: Ólafur Sigursson og Kristjana Jóns- dóttir k. h. Einkunn: I, 147y3 stig. Magnús Ágústsson, f. i Rcykjavík 20. jan. 1924. For.: Ágúst L. Lárusson og Ágústína Magnúsdóttir k. h. Einkunn: I, 104% stig. Olav Knutsen, f. í Lötingen, Nor- egi 25. jan. 1925. For.: Jakob Knut- sen og Hildur Knutsen k. h. Eink- unn: II, 119% stig. Páll Sigurðsson, f. í Reykjavík 9. nóv. 1925. For.: Sigurður Jónsson og Ingibjörg Pálsdóttir k. h. Eink- unn: I, 101% stig. prognosis in minimal pulmonar> tuberculosis“. Opening report by Dr. J. Burns Amberson (U. S.A.). Third subject: „Organization and results in regard to the tuber- culosis campaign of Mass Sur- veys“. Opening report by Dr. Fernando Gomez (Uruguay). The co-reporters will be design- ated later. Members of the Union may take part in the Conference witliout pay- ing an admission fee. Physicians who do not belong to the Union may apply for „Member- ship of the Conference“ and should send in their application exclusively through their Government or Na- tional Association, who are alone ■qualified to fonvard sucli applica- tions. All roquests for information con- cerning the scientific discussions should be sent to Professor Etienne Bernard, Secretary General of the International Union against Tuber- culosis, (iG Boulevard St-Michel, Paris. All requests concerning the organ- ization of the Congress should be sent to the Secretariate of the Conference, Avenida Mem de Sá 197, Rio de Janeiro. The Xtlth Conference of the Inter- national l’nion against Tuberculosis will be followed by the Ild Inter- national Congress of the American College of Chest Physicians, under the presidency of Prof. Manoel de Abreu, to be held at Rio de Janeiro, on August 28—30, 1952. Afgreiðsla og innheimta Læknablaðsins er í Félagsprentsmiðjunni h.f., Reykjavik. Sími 1640. Pósthólf 757. Félagsprentsmiðjan h.f.



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