

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1955, Blaðsíða 22

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1955, Blaðsíða 22
14 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Gerðardómur var endur- kjörinn: Bjarni Snæbjörnsson, Eiríkur Björnsson og Sigurður Sigurðsson. Varamenn: Jón Steffensen, Helgi Ingvarsson og Kristinn Björnsson. Fundarmenn voru 61. Stjórnina skipa nú: Bergsveinn Ólafsson, form. Þórður Þórðarson, gjaldkeri Guðm. Eyjólfsson, ritari. Meðstj órnendur: Snorri Hallgrímsson, Ivristbjörn Tryggvason, Bjarni Jónsson, Ófeigur J. Ófeigsson, Ólafur Bjarnason, Ólafur Helgason, Arinbjörn Ivolbeinsson, Eggert Steinþórsson, Páll Gislason. G. E. Þagnarskrlda lækna Eftirfarandi yfirlýsing var samþykkt á síðasta þingi Al- þjóðalæknafélagsins (WMA): „Professional secrecy by its very nature must be absolute. It must be observed in all cases („ergo omnes“). A secret which is shared is no longer a secret. Exceptions to the rule of professional secrecy can be made only in special cases such as reporting the incidence of epidemic or connnunicaljle diseases. The World Medical Associa- tion is of the opinion tliat the ISSA Besolution* 1) concern- ing Medical Secrecy constitutes a violation of Medical Secrecy and therefore can not be en- dorsed by the doctors of the world. In some cases a doctor is per- mitted, in the interest of liis patient, to provide orally cer- tain diagnostic information to the controlling doctor of an Insurance Fund, with the di- stinct understanding that this information shall under no circumstances be connnunicia- ted, to the administrative per- sonnel of the Insurance Fund, but used only for the purpose of permitting the controlling doctor to draw conculusions as to the status of the patient. The World Medical Association is of the opinion that disclosure of a diagnosis under any other circumstances constitutes a violation of the fundamental principle of Medical Secrecy.“ i) Samþykkt er Internat. Soc. Security Association gerði á fundi i París 7.—11. sept. 1953.



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