

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1978, Blaðsíða 12

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1978, Blaðsíða 12
pp. 132-135: pp. 136-140: pp. 141-144: pp. 145-147: pp. 148-153: PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (R.A) A DOUBLE BLIND CROSS-OVER TRIAL Genth, E., Kurze, R., Hartl, W.: DEPRESSED ACTIVATION OF PERIPHERAL BLOOD LYMPHO- CYTES BY MITOGENS IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Ilusby, G., Zabriskie, J.B., Abdin, Z.H., Williams, R.C., jr.: ANTIBODIES REACTING WITH CYTOPLASM OF SUBTHALAMIC AND CAUDATE NUCLEI NEURONS IN CHOREA AND ACUTE RHEUMATIC FEVER Husby, G., Sletten, K., Anders, R.F, Natvig, J.B.: THE NATURE OF AMYLOID FIBRILIS ASSOCIATED WITH RHEUMATIC DISORDERS Gullberg, R., Jannerfeldt, E.: INHIBITORY EFFECT OG Bi2- BINDING PROTEIN ON THE IN VITRO UPTAKE OF Bi2 BY INTESTINAL BACTERIA Thorsteinsson, L., Froland, S.S., Natvig, J.B.: FURTHER CHARAC- TERIZATION OF THE „THIRD LYMPHOCYTELIKE CELL POPU- LATION" SUPPLEMENT No 4 (JUNE 1978): Symposium on artliritis Reykjavík, September 12-15, 1977 (156 pages): pp. 80-83: Allander, E.: Samhallsekonomiska aspekter pá reumatiska sjukdomar. Text in Swedish. pp. 87-96: Watson Buchanan, W.: The Treat- ment of Rheumatoid Arthrit.is. A Brief Review. Text in English. pp. 153-154: Watson Buchanan, W.: On Arthritis and Rheumatism today. Text in English. SUPPLEMENT No 5 (AUGUST 1978): Sct. Joseph’s Hospital Reykjavík. 75th Anniversary Publication (90 pages). pp. 11-16: Dowiing, R. Hermon: The 3 S’s of the Medical Treatment of Gallstones. Text in English. pp. 17-20: Jónsson, B.: The etiology of low back pain and sciatica is discussed. Lumbar discography and myelography are'com- pared in relation to diagnosis of herniated lumbar discs. Summary in English. pp. 21-26: Jónas, K.: Discographia lumbalis. The author describes his experience with the lateral method in 18 cases and 45 discs expiored. Summary in English. pp. 27-36: Lárusson, G., Steinsen, H., Thordar- son, Th.: Myocardial infarctions in the Sct. Joseph’s Hospital 1966—1975, five years prior to and after the opening of an Intensive Care Unit. It was found that there was no change in death rates with or without constant monitoring. Summary in English. pp. 37-45: Björnsson, G.: Eye surgery at the Sct. Joseph’s Hospitai 1902—1923. Summary in English. pp. 46-47: Thorleifsson, H.: Case history: A corneo-scleral Autotransplantation in an 87-year old male with totally eroded cornea caused by Mooren’s ulcer and an absolute glaucoma of the other eye. Summary in Engiish. pp. 48-50: Thorleifsson, H.: The measurements of intraocular pressure in 4462 Ice- landers 40 years and older is pre- sented. From the Out-Patient Eye Clinic, Sct. Joseph’s Hospital (1965— 1976). Summary in English. pp. 51-52: Ólafsson, S., Ásgeirsson, Á., Guð- brandsson, B.: Case history: A metallic disc embedded in t.he anterior wall of the proximal part of the aesop- hagus of a 13 month old boy. Diagnosis and treatment. Summary in English. pp. 53-58: Bjarnason, Th., Jónasson, T.Á., Hjálm- arsson, Ó.: Case history: Pneumatosis , cystoides coli. Diagnosis and treat.- ' ' ment. Summary in English. pp. 59-61: Bjarnason, Th., Kjartanson, S., Gunn- laugsson, Ó.: Case history: Retro- grade jejunogastric intussusception in a 77 old female, 37 years after gastric resection and Billroth II anastomosis. Summary in English. pp. 62-64: Thorvaldsson, S.E., Jónsson, S., Gunn- laugsson, Ó.: Case history: Right hepatic lobectomy in a seventy year old male with hepatic carcinoma. Summary in English. pp. 65-67: Lárusson, G.: The syndrome of T3- toxicosis is discussed. Two case hi- stories are presented. Summary in English. pp. 68-76: Laxdal, Th.: Four case histories of Actinomycosis at the Sct. Joseph’s Hospital. Summary in English. pp. 77-83: Lárusson, G., Guðmundsson, B.: A review of tests for thyroid function. Summary in Engiish. SUPPLEMENT No 6 (OCTOBER 1978): The City Hospital of Reykjavík. lOth Anniversary Publication. (166 pages). Text in Icelandic. SUPPLEMENT No 7 (DECEMBER 1978): by SigurSur Þ. GuSmundsson: Addison’s disease in Iceland 1913—-1975. (25 pages). Text in Icelandic. English summary.
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