

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1983, Blaðsíða 9

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1983, Blaðsíða 9
LÆKNABLADID 165 sem jaðra við vissu. Örfáar slíkar niðurstöður hafa verið raktar hér. Að sjálfsögðu eru á þessu máli margar aðrar hliðar en læknisfræðilegar. Hér koma lögfræðileg sjónarmið til álita, en einnig sál- fræðileg og siðfræðileg. Það liggur utan ramma þessarar greinar að gera þessum sjónarmiðum skil. Að lokum við ég þakka Ólafi Erni Arnarsyni yfirlækni, en hann hefur rannsakað þorra þeirra karla, sem hér um ræðir. SUMMARY We began performing donor inseminations in 1980, with frozen semen from the »Centrai Sædbank«, Copenhagen. We report here on the results achie- ved with 42 married couples who have been treated at the National Hospital of Iceland between Febr. 1, 1980 and Oct. 1, 1982. A longitudinal analysis of this material revealed a 71 % overall success rate, 22 pregnancies in 31 women who finished treatment for 6 months. One early abortion was observed, 17 normal deliveries were recorded and at present 4 women are still pregnant. Out of 17 births all the children were judged healthy, except one case of a hip subluxation. The male-to-female sex ratio was 1,1. Chromosomal studies on 12 of the babies have revealed nothing abnormal. Finally the influence of age and infertility factors on the conception rate are briefly discussed and so is the relation of conception to the number of treatment months. HEIMILDIR 1) Insler V, Melmed H, Eichenbremer I, Serr DM, Lumenfeld B: The cervical score — a simple semiquantitative method for monitoring of the menstrual cycle. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1972; 10: 223. 2) Nielsen N Ch, Rebbe H, Brogaard-Hansen K; Donor insemination employing deepfrozen se- men from a central bank. Ugeskr Laeger, 1978; 140: 1335. 3) Behrman SJ: Artificial insemination. Clin Obstet gynacol 1979; 22: 245. 4) Katzorke Th, Propping D, Tauber PF: Method and results for regulated ovulation in artificial insemination. In: Human artificial insemination and semen preservation. Eds.: David G, Price W, Plenum press, NY, London, 1980. 5) Alfredsson J, Guðmundsson ST, Snaedal G: Artificial insemination by donor with frozen semen. Obst Gynec Survey. To be published in 1983. 6) Lebech PE, Detlefsen G: Artificial insemination with frozen spermatozoa: Results from 1967 to 1978. In: Human artificial insemination and semen preservation. Eds: David G, Price W, Plenum press, NY, London, 1980. 7) Schwarts D, Mayaux MJ, Martin-Boyce A, Czyglik F, David G: Donor insemination: Con- ception rate according to cycle day in series of 821 cycles with a single insemination. Fertil Steril 1979; 31: 1979. 8) Matthews CD, Broom TJ, Crawshow KM, Hopkins RE, Kerin JFP, Svigos JM: The influ- ence of insemination timing and semen charac- teristics on the efficiency of a donor inseminati- on program. Fertil Steril 1979; 31: 45. 9) Hafez E: Gamete transport. In: Human repro- duction. Eds: Hafez and Evans. Harper and Row, Hagerstown, pp 85, 1973. 10) Richardson DW: Factors influencing the fertili- ty of frozen semen. In: Frozen human semen. Developments in obstet and gynecol 4, Richard- son, Joyce, Symonds. Publishers: Martinus Nij- hoff. Hague, Boston, London, 1980.



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