

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1983, Blaðsíða 20

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1983, Blaðsíða 20
174 LÆKNABLADID peninga- og tryggingastofnunum. Þetta sýnir að athygli fólks og kannski ekki síst lækna hefur einmitt á síðustu tímum beinst æ meir að tengslum sjúkleika og starfsumhverfisins. í töflu II eru sýndir þeir sjúkdómar eða sjúkdómaflokkar sem tilkynntir eru sem meint- ir atvinnusjúkdómar á umræddu tímabili. í fyrsta flokknum kemur nefangur og augn- angur og er flokknum ekki skipt eftir pví hvort um ofnæmi er að ræða eða ekki. Þar næst kemur astma og pá bronkítis. Heymæði var tilkynnt hjá 9 sjúklingum. Húðsjúkdómar eru einnig algengir á tilkynningunum auk sjúk- dóma í liðum, beinum og stoðkerfi. Rétt er að taka þessum tölum með ákveðn- um fyrirvara, þetta er í fyrsta skipti sem nýtt tilkynningaeyðublað er notað. Þeir sem staðið hafa að þessari skráningu telja tvímælalaust að hér sé um mjög gagnlegar upplýsingar að ræða og vænta þess að á komandi árum fáist fyllri mynd af því í hvaða greinum skórinn kreppir og hvar helst sé að vænta árangurs forvarna. TO ALL CD COUNTERPARTS: Circular letter — for information The following is the summary of a report on »Várö disease«, contained in the weekly re- port from Sweden which we consider may be of interest. »VÁRÖ DISEASE« Symptoms Pain in the hip-joints on exertion and in extreme positions. Limping. Preceeded by respiratory infection in 75 % of cases. The disease appeared first in the period mid- November to mid-December 1982. A new wave occurred from mid-January to mid- February 1983. As at 6.3.1983, 160 children had been admitted to Varberg hospital, 134 of which were girls and 26 boys. Their average age was 12 years. Since the illness was made known to the massmedia, several reports have been re-' ceived from different parts of country about patients with similar symptoms. In 80 % of cases, the symptoms lasted for less than 2 weeks. There were relapses in approximately 15 °/o of cases. The first case was diagnosed as coxitis simplex, due to the symptoms. However, as the frequency of this disease is very low and as Frá svæðisskrifstofu WHO í Kaupmannahöfn. acute admissions with the same symptoms were many, coxitis simplex was ruled out. It seems clear that the disease is infectious. Close friends in the same classes, and who were also in close contact in their free time, were involved. A decrease in new cases over the Christmas period, when the schools were closed, also points to the fact that it is an infectious disease. Spread pattern indicates that this micro-organism is not specially con- tagious. It spreads among best friends, bench- mates and relatives. There was laboratory evidence of a slight SR-rise, never more than 20 mm, »Pos CRP« in 50 % of cases, as well as lymphocytes in the blood picture. There was no evidence that the infection is imported. In spite of 4'/2 months duration, the illness is limited to two small towns. Antibiotics are of no help and anti-inflammatory drugs have no effect. There is no suspicion of resulting hip handicap. Virological work is in progress at the Sahlgrenska Hospital. SUMMARY A new, as yet unclarified, benign, quickly- passing, virus infection without risk of future side effects. Infection risk seems to be limited.



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