Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Blaðsíða 27

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Blaðsíða 27
ABSTRACTS / 27TH NORDIC PSYCHIATRIC CONGRESS I health did not correlate with sex or age groups. There was a signifi- cant but weak negative correlation (r = -0.18, p = 0.04) between poor general health and level of functioning according to GAF. Poor general health did not correlate significantly with quality of hfe, study setting or level of psychological distress according to the SCL-111, S-IV/4 Thursday 14/8,14:00-15:00 Sense of coherence among Finnish young men - a cross- sectional study at military call-up Kistkari Terja', MNSc, University of Turku, Dept. of Psychiatry, Kunnallissairaalantie -0' rak. 9, 20500 Turku, Finland. Sourander Andre^, Parkkola KaP, Salantera Sanna**, N'kolakaros Georgios2, Helenius Hans?. niversity of Turku, Dept. of Psychiatry, 2University of Turku, Dept. of Child Psychi- atry, -tThe Finnish Defence Forces, ■tUniversity of Turku, Dept. of Nursing Science. - University of Turku, Dept. of Biostatistics. Iena-ristkari@ulu.fi Background: In recent years many studies have shown connections between life control and health. Several studies are based on Anto- novsky's theory about the sense of coherence (SOC). The sense of coherence based on salutogenic model which stresses positive aspects and resources of health rather than symptoms and diseases. Aims: The aim of this study was to describe life control and its level among Finnish young men measured as sense of coherence. Further- more, associations between sense of coherence and mental health problems, the use of mental health services, risk behaviour, predis- position to suicide, and possible psychiatric diagnosis was studied. Methods: The study was carried out as a questionnaire (SOC-13) at lhe call up site. The study included 2348 18-19-year-old young men vvho attended military call-up in the fall of 1999. Results: Suicidality, perceived mental health problems, psychiatric Tagnosis at military call-up, use of mental health services, excessive alcohol consumption, and use of illicit drugs were identified as inde- pendent factors contributing to sense of coherence. Conclusions: Sense of coherence is a valuable construction in psychiatric evaluation of adolescents. SOC-13 can be used both in clinical practice and epidemiological research to evaluate adoles- cents’ life control and health resources. Future research on its aPplications in clinical practice is warranted. S ~ 'V / 5 Thursday 14/8,11:00-12:300 Punctioning ability, quality of life and subtreshold Psychotic symptoms Siminula IMD, University of Turku, Dept. of Psychiatry, Kunnallissairaalantie 20 rak n. 20810, Turku, Finland. Heinimaa Mi, Ilonen T>, Korkeila J1, Huttunen J1, Kistkan T1, Hietala J2, Syválahti E2, McGlashan T3, Salokangas RKR1 mversity of Turku, Department of Psychiatry, ^University of Turku, Department of tapasu@°^0fi' 3^a*e University’ Department of Psychiatry Objectives: It has been repeatedly reported that subjects experien- cmg subtreshold psychotic symptoms have relatively low func- tioning ability and low quality of life (QoL). We examined which mdividual symptoms explain the decrease (score below median) in functioning ability and QoL the best. Methods: 150 help seeking patients or first-degree relatives of psy- chotic patients were assessed with Structured Interview for Prodro- mal Symptoms (SIPS/SOPS), Global Assessment of Functioning Ability (GAF-M) and Quality of Life Scale (QLS). Results: The mean GAF scores and QLS scores decreased linearly and statistically significantly as symptoms measured with SIPS/ SOPS approached more psychotic like phenomena. When all symp- toms of the SIPS/SOPS were put in the same stepwise logistic re- gression model only perceptual abnormalities (GAF: OR 4,434, 95% C.1.1,114-17,648, p<0,035) andcertain negative symptomslike social isolation and withdrawal (GAF OR 18,655, 95 % C.I. 2,158- 161,274, p<0,008; QLS OR 3,438, 95 % C.I. 1,257-9,403, p<0,016) and decreased experience of emotions and self (QLS OR 79,556,95 % C.I. 4,305-1470,332, p<0,003) remained statistically significant. After taking sex, age, marital status, duration of education, study sample, and disturbances in motor development, language develop- ment, and social development into account, within SIPS symptom categories positive, negative and disorganization symptom cate- gories (OR 1,9,95 % C.1.1,098-3,288, p<0,022; OR 2,243,95 % C.I. 1,285-3,914, p<0,004; OR 0,419, 95 % C.1.0,206-0,849, p< 0,016, re- spectively) remained statistically significant explaining low functio- ning ability. In a similar analysis regarding low QoL only SIPS nega- tive symptom category remained statistically significant (OR 2,044, 95 % C.1.1,212-3,450, p<0,007). Conclusion: Negative symptoms commonly influence the functio- ning ability and QoL of subjects with subtreshold psychotic symp- toms. S-V/1 Thursday 14/8,11:00-12:30 Mental health in children, adolescents and caretakers Bruno Hágglöf, Professor, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 901 85 Umeá University, Sweden, R Adolfsson, M Sandlund, M Jonasson, E Salander-Renberg, M Nilsson, AM Sandeberg. Bruno. Hagglof@psychiat. umu.se Indicators of mental health and psychological well-being were examined in a random sample (n=5 000) of the population in the county of Vasterbotten. Valid self-rating scales were used for each of 3 age groups: 4-12 y (n=1000) and their caretakers (n=1000), 13- 17 y (n=l 000) and 18-74 y (n=2000). The response rate was 69,2% (n=3 461); 4-12 y (n=685), care takers (n=670), 13-17 y (n=735), 18- 74 y (n=l 371). In consideration of the limited space only some results are presented for the younger cohorts. 12% in the 4-12 y group had psychic problem (measured by CBCL 4-16; Achenbach 1991a) during the last year. Depressive symptoms increased with increasing age and 5,7 % in the 10-12 y group reported these symptoms sometimes/frequent. About 5% reported psychic symptoms equivalent to what child psychiatric patients with defined diagnosis have reported. In the age group 13-17 y (Youth Self Report; Achenbach 1991b) 28% reported depressive symptoms, 38%. Thoughts of harming or killing themselves was reported by 7,7%, and 3,7% had made vague or serious suicide attempts. About 10% reported psychic symptoms equivalent to what child psychiatric patients with defined diagnosis have reported. Several psychosocial factors were associated with LÆKNABLAÐIÐ / FYLGIRIT 48 2 0 0 3/8 9 2 7
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Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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