Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Blaðsíða 28

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Blaðsíða 28
I ABSTRACTS / 27TH NORDIC PSYCHIATRIC CONGRESS poor psychic health in all age groups. Suggestions for primary and secondary prevention will be presented. S-V/2 Thursday 14/8,11:00-12:30 Preventive strategies in children and adolescent psychiatry Anna Lindstriim. Head of Clinic, Sen. Med. Dr., Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Umeá, Sweden Buckground: A major increase during recent years of children and adolescents in need of child and adolescent psychiatric (CAP) service has highlighted the need for prevention and early inter- vention programmes. A project was launched with the aim to give CAP education, consultations, and network methods to the primary health care service for children, adult psychiatry, schools, and social service. Before the programme all partners were asked about their needs in terms of CAP methods and knowledge. The experts of CAP were recruited from the different CAP clinics in the county. Tlie research and developmental unit of the county council made evaluations of the projects by questionnaires and interviews to see if the aims and goals of the projects were fulfilled. Results: A total of 31 projects were developed, each with specific goals. The activities reached 1100 different professionals as primary care doctors, nurses and psychologists, school nurses, social workers in the schools and social service, and staff from adult psychiatry. Tliere were high scores on the satisfaction of the programme from different partners. The participants reported a substantial increase of the knowledge in CAP. There were lot of suggestions of further cooperation and the development of preventive and early intervention methods in the mental health care of children and adolescents in county of Vasterbotten. Conclusion: An increase of the knowledge in CAP in primary health care settings, adult psychiatry, school and social service can be of importance in the development of mental heath care pro- grammes for children and adolescents. S-V/3 Thursday 14/8, 11:00-12:30 Communíty-based psychiatry in sparsely populated areas Karin Haggqvist, Psychologist, Vasterbottens lans landsting, Psykiatriska öppenvárden, Volgsjövagen 48, SE- 912 32 Vilhelmina, Sweden karin.haggqvist.sls@vll.se During the 70s the psychiatric care in Sweden as well as in other western countries went through dramatic changes. The big mental institutions were closed down and other forms of psychiatric care were built up. In the health care district of southern Lapland, situ- ated in the Northern inland of Sweden, the psychiatry started building up a modern organisation with no own history of big insti- tutions. Southern Lapland Health Care District has a small popula- tion with approximately 40 000 inhabitants but covers a vast land area with 7 separate municipalities. The challenge has been to build a psychiatric care that is based on as little in patient care as possible and with the ambition to work closely together with other health resources and the network around the patients. Today we have three open care units spread in the district and buy inpatient care from the coast district. Our inpatient care is extremely low and we work in close contact with the primary care and other caregivers. Working with the network and in the patients own environment are guiding stars. New technology such as videoconferences is fre- quently used as an important tool both in patient work, supervision and conferences. S - V / 4 Thursday 14/8, 11:00-12:30 Psychiatric care and development at the non-university level Carl-Guslaf Olofsson and Göran Nyberg, Chief Psychiatrists, Clinic of Psychiatry, Skellefteá lasarett, S-931 86 Skellefteá, Sweden carlgustaf.olofsson@vll.se We want to share clinical experiences in psychiatric care from a non-university clinic in the north of Sweden. We have full responsi- bility for psychiatric service in our catchment area of about 80000 inhabitants and hospital beds for an additional catchment area of 40000. Our approach is family-oriented; the on-call system is team- based and mobile. We use modern techniques in both care and co- operation (using telemedicine). We have a special outpatient service for youth up to 25. A short overview is given of our clinical tradition including compulsory care and forensic psychiatry. We give some comments on good co-operation with social services; the user and family members’ associations and primary care, and share some visions from the reforms, which are going on in the county council, where psychiatry is in a “family” called “narsjukvárd” (“health service close to population”). S-V/5 Thursday 14/8,11:00-12:30 Health care, research and education in symbiosis at the university clinic Tonny Anderscn. Dept. of Clinical Sciences, Umeá University, S-90185, Umeá, Sweden tonny. andersen. us@vll.se The University of Umeá is a rather young university - established in the mid sixties starting with the medical sciences. Prior to this, the hospital of Umeá was a general hospital for the local area. Within the field of psychiatry Umeá hosted a large psychiatric state hospital with nearly 1000 beds serving most of Northem Sweden. From these starting points the task during the decades has been to build a viable environment for medical research and education in general and in psychiatry and, of course, to develop and practice good quality every- day psychiatric care. A cornerstone for this - also necessitated by low governmental funding for research and education - has been a close integration between clinical and academic activities. Clinical research has been - and still is - at the heart of the University Psychiatric Clinic-work being done e.g. within the areas of social psychiatric 28 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ / FYLGIRIT 48 2003/89
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Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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