Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Blaðsíða 76

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Blaðsíða 76
■ POSTERS / 27TH NORDIC PSYCHIATRIC CONGRESS P - 62 Friday 15/8,14:00-15:00 Social deprivation, ethnicity and incidence of schizophrenia in Nottingham 1997-1999 Jouko Micttuncn, Researcher, MSc, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oulu, P.O. Box 5000, FIN-90401 Oulu, Finland. Tim Croudace, Hazel Hayhurst, Peter Jones and the Æsop Study Team. joiiko.miettunen@oiilit.fi Buckground: African-Caribbean people in the Uniled Kingdom have more schizophrenia and other psychoses than the white popu- lation. Social deprivation has been associated with an increased risk for psychosis. Aims: To investigate the roles of social deprivation and proportion of ethnic minorities in neighbourhood in incidence rates of psych- oses. Method: The ÆSOP (Aetiology and Ethnicity in Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses) study collected all incidence cases of psychosis in Nottingham between 1997-99. The population data of electoral wards by ethnicity was collected from the 1991 census. The Multiple Deprivation Index for year 2000 was used as a measurement of deprivation. Results: Preliminary results showed that annual incidence of psych- oses was highest in the most deprived quartile of wards (34 cases per 100000) compared with other areas (22 cases per 100000). No African-Caribbean incidence cases occurred in the least deprived areas. The incidence rate of psychoses among ethnic groups was lowest in areas with more people from those same ethnic groups. Condusions: The incidence of schizophrenia and other psychoses is higher in more deprived areas. The proportion of different ethnic groups in an area also has an effect on incidence rates. The inter- action of these phenomena will be explored further. P - 63 Friday 15/8, 14:00-15:00 Measuring patients’ experiences of and expectations from mental health services: ARVO-questionnaire Kaltialu-Hcino R, Doccnt, Chief Psychiatrist, Tampere School of Public Heaith, 33014 University of Tampere, Finland. Fröjd S, Laurila AM, Kilkku N. Tampere University Hospital, Psychiatric Treatment and Research Unit for Adolescent Intensive Care, and Pirkanmaa Mental Health Project. merihe@uta.fi Background: CUES-U measures psychiatric patients’ experiences of their material, social and service-related well-being and needs in these domains. It comprises 16 descriptions giving a standard of ac- ceptable situation in the selected domains, followed by questions of how the patient’s personal circumstances are compared to the de- scription, and is she/he satisfied with her/his own situation. CUES-U can be used either as an aid in a given patient’s treatment planning, or to receive a view of the needs of the clients in a given service. Aims: To test a Finnish version of CUES-U (called ARVO = “value”). Method: 220 psychiatric and substance use clinic patients filled in the ARVO. The patients aged 19-68 years. 35% had a diagnosis of schizo- phrenia. 38% had received treatment for more than 10 years. 58% were female. Psychometric properties of the scale were calculated. Rcsults: Patients were well able and motivated to fill in ARVO- questionnaire. The better the patients’ situation fitted the norma- tive description in each domain, the more satisfied they were with their own circumstances. Principal component analysis revealed a similar factor structure for the Finnish measure as had previously been found in the English one. Reliability analyses showed a good internal consistency of the scale. Conclusion: ARVO works as well as the English original version. An advantage compared to traditional satisfaction with services-en- quiries is that CUES-U/ARVO gives concrete information on what exactly the patients are (dis)satisfied with. P - 64 Friday 15/8,14:00-15:00 Are symptoms of anxiety and depression more prevalent in patients with implantable defibrillators than in those with pacemakers? Margrél Leósdólliri, Sigurðsson I -, Reimarsdóttir G', Gottskálksson (i1. Vigfús- dóttir Mt, Torfason Bi, Eggertsson S2, Arnar DO> iLandspítali-University Hospital, Reykjavík, Iceland, ^Department of Anthropo- logy, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland Introduction: Indications for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrilla- tors (ICD) have been expanding in recent years but questions re- main regarding the mental well-being of these patients. Some studies indicate a poorer quality of life for ICD patients than the general population. However, studies comparing self-rated anxiety and depressive symptoms of ICD patients with that of patients with other implantable cardiac devices are lacking. Aims: To test the hypothesis that ICD patients are more prone to anxiety and depression than pacemaker patients and are more likely to meet criteria for psychiatric caseness. Mcthods: The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI),the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) were submitted to 41 ICD patients (mean age 62 years) and a com- parison group of 61 patients with pacemakers (mean age 64 years). Rcsults: No difference was found between the ICD and pacemaker groups on BAI, BDI and GHQ scores. * Condusion: Contrary to our predictions, among ICD patients the propensity to anxiety and depression and their probability of meeting criteria for psychiatric caseness was similar to that of pace- maker recipients. P - 65 Friday 15/8, 14:00-15:00 Functional imaging (SPECT) of cortico-subcortical circuitry in depressive disorder Van den Eyndu F. MD, Department of Psychiatry, Ghent University, 9000 Ghent, Belgium. Audcnaert K, De Saedeleer S, Naudts KH. Vervaet M, Dierckx R, Van Heeringen C. FreilerUiue.Vandeneynde@UGent.be Background: Growing evidence of the involvement of cortico-sub- cortical circuits in depressive-like behavioural pathology in non- human animals is available. Aims: This study will further explore the perfusion patterns related 76 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ / FYLGIRIT 48 2003/89
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Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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