Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Page 75

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.2003, Page 75
POSTERS / 27TH NORDIC PSYCHIATRIC CONGRESS I cant attention in deinstitutionalisation discussions. Very limited in- formation on the experience is available on sheltered residency in Reykjavík, Iceland, has been available and this report is intended to remedy that lack. The purpose of this study was to collect data on the operation of all 19 sheltered care residences for the mentally ill in Reykjavík. Three homes declined to take part. Residents (N=55) of the homes (N=16) were studied. Data was collected from residents, social workers, and home staff on each resident’s functioning, treat- ment, duration of residence, and frequency of rehospitalization, and on each home’s service and environment. Tlie findings were evalu- ated in terms of adequacy and appropriateness of care provided using accepted guidelines. The results indicate that the homes have a per- sonal and homelike atmosphere that the staff provides emotional support, and that skill-development are provided. The staff has al- most exclusive responsibility for formal decisions and in this respect the homes show some characteristics of institutions. Residents ex- pressed a high level of satisfaction and they view the homes as a posi- tive solution, compared to hospitalisation. Residents are much less likely to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital in the three years after moving to a sheltered residence than in the year prior. P - 59 Friday 15/8,14:00-15:00 Standardisation of the Resident Assessment Instrument- Mental Health (RAI-MH) in lceland. Halldór Kallicinsson. MD, Psychiatrist, Landspítali University Hospital, Reykjavík, Dept. of Psychiatry at Kleppur, Iceland. GA Arnþórsdóttir, G Guðmundsdóttir, RÞ Þórsdóttir. halldork@landspitali. is Background: The RAI-MH was created to be a broad screening in- strument, which includes series of items covering a range of com- mon problems in mental health. Aim: The purpose of this research was to translate, validate, and assess the utility of the RAI-MH at psychiatric inpatient wards in Iceland. Methods: The RAI-MH project began in 1999 with the translation of the asseAment instrument. The data was collected after ob- taining informed consent at nine psychiatric rehabilitation wards at Landspitali University Hospital. Trained psychiatric nurses per- formed the assessment. Individuals’ items were assessed for inter- rater reliability and the analysis of the reliability was based on weighted kappa coefficients and percentage agreement. All data was analysed with the Statistical Package of the Social Sciences (SPSS) Rcsults: The study group comprised of 102 patients, 39% females and 61% rnales. The majority of patients (60%) were over 45 years of age. The main length of stay was over five years, with range of days 7-20 thousand. The main reasons for admission were specific psychiatric symptoms. The most important psychiatric diagnosis ac- cording to DSM-IV was schizophrenia, about 50%, affective dis- orders 22%, and cognitive disorders 17%. Further results will be revealed. Conclusion: The RAI-MH is a comprehensive standardised instru- ment for evaluation of psychiatric inpatients. The RAI-MH instru- ment records important issues related to psychiatric, social, envi- ronmental, and medical issues emphasising patients functioning. P - 60 Friday 15/8,14:00-15:00 Occupational therapy in mental health - does it work and for whom? Sylvianc Pétursson, Hallgerður Ásta Guðjónsdóttir, Occupational Therapists, Uni- versity Hospital, Psychiatry. Psychiatric Unit, Occupational Therapy Department. Reykjavík, íceland sylviane@landspitali.is No systematic studies in mental health have been performed in Ice- land that address which clients benefit from occupational therapy. This pilot study was an attempt to explore what clients benefit from occupational therapy and what impact therapy has on the occupa- tional performance of clients that completed therapy. Statistic charts from 2000-2002 were explored and occupational therapy clients categorized. Clients who met minimum attendance stan- dards were contacted and interviewed concerning current occupa- tional performance. Only clients who stated initially that they were motivated to attend OT completed their program. Of those clients who were interviewed the majority had met their personal goals. These clients' vicious circle of admission-discharge-readmission had been broken. Good teamwork is needed to ensure that clients are motivated to attend OT. Neither OTs nor other staff decides if people are ready to take responsibility for their rehabilitation. Clients that completed their program had learned to take rnore control over their lives. Clients reported increased satisfaction with their daily occupations and satisfaction with life in general. Social services need to offer more diversity and flexibility in their services in order to meet individual needs, as there are great personal diffe- rences in the process of recovery. P - 61 Fridaay 15/8,14:00-15:00 Patients’ experience and views: Research on social rehabilitation Svcinbjörg Jiílía Svavarsdóttir, Head of Social Work, Department of Psychiatry, Landspítali University Hospital, Hringbraut, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland sveinbsv@landspitali.is Background: Attitudes and expectations of patients to rehabilitation had not been examined recently in psychiatric wards of Landspitali University Hospital in Reykjavik and these may vary from one decade to another as social and health systems continue to change. Ainis: To investigate whether rehabilitation helped to increase patients’ possibilities to lead independent lives, with regard to their employment, education, residence, and social relations. Method: A qualitative interview approach was used in the study. Results: Patients’ expectations of rehabilitation did not accord with the reality of their lives. Many people expected to boost their self- confidence and receive help in expressing their emotions and doing something useful. They wished to increase their education and ac- quire a home of their own. Due to their anxiety and persistent lack of self-respect and self-confidence, they often had not taken neces- sary steps towards full independence on their own. Condusion: Further work is required to examine why many psychi- atric patients have difficulty in regaining their independence in so- ciety following their stay in hospital and what can be done to simpli- fy their process of adaptation to life following discharge. Læknablaðið / FYLGIRIT 48 2 0 0 3/8 9 7 5


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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