Hagskýrslur um mannfjöldaþróun - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 139

Hagskýrslur um mannfjöldaþróun - 01.01.1952, Qupperneq 139
88 Mannfjöldaskýrslur 1946—1960 Tafla VII. Hjónavígslur, fæddir og dánir Marriages, births and deaths, 1946 1947 1948 1« a CQ U s as «0 U 3 *b5 « tc u 2 Nr. *- O) * .2 c fc u .b T3 £ •a e § .i- .2 1 g 5-2 C h 2^2 u x -3 £ *Ö S 8 .h < •§ i u C i: •3 « u X '3 £ rs H 8 .h -S 5 8 S 5 h =: C-s X 5 Q *c lu ~ c •« Kaupstaðir towns í Reykjavik 552 1 372 335 550 1 587 372 638 1 546 391 2 Hafnarfjörður 41 149 31 62 119 41 44 154 29 3 Keflavík — — — — — — — — — 4 Akranes 20 64 18 25 83 17 30 84 17 6 ísafjörður 16 87 23 22 85 28 18 78 14 6 — — — 8 15 10 6 21 14 7 Siglufjörður 15 87 32 16 92 20 22 111 26 8 Ólafsfjörður 5 22 2 3 16 11 5 24 4 9 41 166 51 48 204 63 44 193 49 10 — - _ - — - - - ii Seyðisfjörður 9 19 7 4 10 16 9 21 7 42 Neskaupstaður 15 35 16 9 39 4 11 48 11 13 Vestmannaeyjar 12 102 25 40 90 29 41 94 31 Samtals total 726 2 103 540 787 2 340 611 868 2 374 593 Sýsiur districts 1 Gullbringu- og Kjósarsýsla . 41 176 45 65 203 58 59 259 59 2 borgarf jarðarsýsla 12 24 22 4 21 14 3 29 11 3 Mýrasýsla 8 44 17 9 36 16 10 31 14 4 Snæf.- og Hnappadalssýsla .. 17 83 27 18 79 35 16 67 22 5 Dalasýsla 4 15 21 2 21 14 3 16 15 6 Barðastrandarsýsla 15 73 21 11 67 12 16 62 31 7 ísafjarðarsýsla 17 79 52 20 89 60 15 90 50 8 Strandasýsla 10 64 12 3 49 18 3 54 24 9 Húnavatnssýsla 21 57 27 26 81 35 16 89 32 10 Skagafjarðarsýsia 21 72 48 14 71 19 10 57 26 11 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 19 99 46 29 107 46 19 116 34 12 Þingeyjarsýsla 28 142 61 33 134 53 22 137 49 13 Norður-Múlasýsla 12 57 21 7 54 25 26 61 23 14 Suður-Múlasýsla 17 113 42 14 107 30 17 107 45 15 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 3 19 16 9 20 20 7 29 8 16 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 5 31 18 8 21 15 9 42 12 17 Rangárvallasýsla 17 49 29 18 69 36 11 49 21 18 Árnessýsla 41 134 56 31 137 45 27 152 45 Samtals total 308 1 331 581 321 1 366 551 289 1 447 521 6 — — 13 — - 5 - — Allt landið the whole country 1 040 3 434 1 121 1 121 3 706 1 162 1 162 3 821 1 114 Mannfjöldnskýrslur 1946—1950 89 árin 1946—1950, eftir heimili. bg place of residence. 1949 1950 1946—1950 Nr. HJónavigslur marriagea Fxcddir lifandi llve births Dánir deaths U a 'w 80 ■oc u T Os H •C 5 X 5 Fœddir lifandi tive births Dánir deaths HJónavigslur nxarriagcs Fœddir lifandi live births Dánir deaths Fæddir um- fram dána cxcess of births over deaths Andvana fxeddir stillbirths Alls total C ^ c «*- « o .5 Si £ S2 sf-il! A.O SC Alls total Par af innan 1 ársj whereof u. í gear í 585 1 677 366 582 1 699 351 2 907 7 881 1 968 1 815 149 6 066 117 í 37 136 38 59 160 44 243 718 191 183 15 535 10 2 22 83 15 25 77 11 47 160 40 26 5 134 4 3 20 77 16 22 77 28 117 385 117 96 13 289 11 4 26 86 22 16 78 22 98 414 109 109 10 305 11 5 4 26 11 2 29 12 20 91 32 47 6 44 6 6 9 90 26 22 82 30 84 462 138 134 13 28 14 7 6 29 9 5 27 8 24 118 39 34 3 384 1 8 50 207 56 63 227 52 246 997 274 271 34 26 14 9 _ _ 13 42 5 13 42 13 5 - 737 - 10 8 17 2 6 24 11 36 91 27 43 3 48 3 11 3 37 9 5 27 11 43 186 53 51 2 135 2 12 26 99 24 30 115 39 149 500 117 148 17 352 11 13 796 2 564 594 850 2 664 624 4 027 12 045 3 118 2 962 270 9 083 204 53 181 42 58 225 38 276 1 044 282 242 29 802 17 1 10 37 8 7 31 12 36 142 32 67 4 75 6 2 15 31 10 10 39 19 52 181 55 76 3 105 3 9 70 40 10 80 28 70 379 101 152 12 227 8 4 4 25 15 5 21 5 18 98 33 70 1 28 - 5 9 72 32 17 56 28 68 330 82 124 5 206 10 6 14 76 34 19 103 38 85 437 160 234 17 203 10 7 5 55 13 10 44 18 31 266 88 85 9 181 8 8 17 91 22 18 99 46 98 417 115 162 12 255 7 9 9 53 23 7 63 23 61 316 71 139 15 177 10 10 23 128 50 31 116 32 121 566 141 208 19 358 9 11 28 115 53 27 109 46 138 637 155 262 16 375 12 12 4 52 22 11 53 29 60 277 74 120 11 157 1 13 18 97 51 28 112 40 94 536 153 20S 15 328 15 14 4 18 9 12 27 19 35 113 28 72 5 41 9 15 4 34 18 6 38 13 32 166 42 76 2 90 3 16 6 64 27 20 61 22 72 292 80 135 7 157 5 17 32 121 43 65 152 42 196 696 162 231 10 465 6 18 264 1 320 512 361 1 429 498 1 543 6 893 1 854 2 663 192 4 230 136 17 - “ 6 - 47 ~ — — “ 1 077 3 884 1 106 1 217 4 093 1 122 5 617 18 938 4 972 5 625 462 13 313 340 12
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Hagskýrslur um mannfjöldaþróun

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