Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1958, Blaðsíða 274
Manntalið 1950
Ensk þýðing á heitum atvinnugreina í töflum XV—XVI
á bls. 66—101.
Translation of groupings in tables XV—XVI on p. 66—101.
Numbers in brackets refer to the ISIC classification of all economic activities.
l. Agriculture, forestry antl himtiug (010-
1. Ordinary farming (010).
2. Breeding of fur-bearing animals (010).
3. Breeding of poultry (010).
4. Horticulture (010).
5. Agriculture, not clsewhere classiíied (010).
6. Forestry (020).
7. Hunting (030).
n. Fishing (040).
8. Fishing by trawlers.
9. Fishing by motor-boats and otber fishing
10. Fishing by rowing-boats.
11. Salmon and trout fishing and hatching.
12. Whaling.
13. Other.
m. Manufacturing (2-3, 140).
A. Food manufacturing industries and tobac-
co manufaclure (20-22).
14. Slaughtcring, preparation and preserving
of meat (201).
15. Manufacture of dairy products (202).
16. Freezing establishments (204).
17. Curing of fish (204).
18. Canning and smoking of fish (204).
19. Manufacture of bakery products (206).
20. Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar
confectionery (208).
21. Manufacture of margarine (209).
22. Manufacture of miscellaneous food prepara-
tions (203, 209).
23. Breweries and carbonated water industries
24. Manufacture of snuff (220).
B. Manufacture of textiles (23).
25. Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles
26. Knitting and knitting mills (232).
27. Cordage, rope and twine industries (233).
28. Manufacture of textiles, n. c. c. (239).
C. Manufacture of foolwear, other wearing
apparel and made-up textile goods (24).
29. Manufacture of footwear, except rubber foot-
wear (241).
30. Repair of footwear (242).
31. Manufacture of wearing apparel, except
footwear (243).
32. Manufacture of made-up textile goods, ex-
ccpt wearing apparel (244).
D. Manufacture of wood and corlc and of
furniture and fixtures, regardlcss of matc-
rials used (25-26).
33. Cooperage (250).
34. Wood engraving and turners work (250).
35. Manufacture of wood and cork, n. e. c. (250).
36. Manufacture of furniture and fixtures (260).
Fj. Printing, publishing and allied industries
37. Manufacture of articles of paper and paper-
board (272).
38. Printing (280).
39. Photo-engraving (280).
40. Bookbinding (280).
41. Publishing of newspapers and books (280).
F. Manufacture of leathcr and leather pro-
ducts and of rubber products (29-30).
42. Tanneries and leather finishing (291).
43. Saddlery and hamess (292).
44. Manufacture of leather products, n. e. c.
45. Manufacture of rubber products (300).
G. Manufacture of chemicals and chemical
products (31).
46. Basic industrial chemicals (311).
47. Manufacture and processing of liver oils
48. Manufacture of herring and other fish oil
and meal (312).
49. Manufacture of whale oil, meal and meat
50. Manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics, soaps
and other toilet, washing and cleaning com-
pounds (319).
51. Manufacture of paints, varnishes and lac-
quers (319).
52. Medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations
H. Manufacturc of non-metallic mineral pro-
ducts, and quarrying of stone and sand
pits (33, 14).
53. Manufacture of glass products (332).
54. Manufacture of pottery and earthenware
55. Manufacture of concrete (339).