Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 01.11.1997, Qupperneq 25

Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 01.11.1997, Qupperneq 25
22 Sveitarsjóðareikningar 1996 15. yfirlit. Tekjur og gjöld, eignir og skuldir sveitarfélaga á hvern íbúa eftir kjördæmum 1995-1996 Summciry 15. Revenue and expenditure, assets and liabilities per inhabitants oflocal government by constituency 1996 1995 Landið allt Whole country Reykjavík Reykjanes Vesturland Vestfirðir Norðurland vestra Norðurland eystra Austurland Suðurland íbúafjöldi 1. desember 267.806 104.258 69.959 14.161 9.015 10.214 26.665 12.779 20.755 Heildartekjur 157.325 160.807 145.383 150.781 212.385 156.298 159.643 163.390 154.385 Skatttekjur 107.360 108.994 103.945 106.013 120.573 103.771 108.762 110.157 104.038 Útsvör 78.639 77.652 81.384 78.019 87.784 73.783 79.397 79.724 71.484 Fasteignagjöld 21.213 25.974 17.722 17.509 17.568 18.985 17.427 16.545 21.962 Framlag úr Jöfnunarsjóði 3.464 _ 1.821 8.490 12.225 8.301 6.146 11.142 8.701 Aðrar skatttekjur 4.044 5.368 3.017 1.994 2.996 2.702 5.792 2.746 1.891 Þjónustutekjur 36.954 45.117 24.901 25.440 55.400 31.754 39.641 39.609 33.771 Fjármagnstekjur 1.909 8.322 1.594 6.544 1.511 5.303 1.932 8.266 2.668 Tekjur til fjárfestingar 11.102 36.062 9.440 32.558 5.184 32.283 5.180 37.380 17.700 Heildargjöld 164.493 171.791 153.917 167.034 201.256 154.711 160.319 162.204 157.258 Yfirstjóm 8.366 4.265 8.183 13.966 21.188 13.613 10.199 14.354 11.665 Félagsþjónusta 39.165 55.516 29.252 21.133 24.892 20.352 38.962 23.064 28.061 Heilbrigðismál 967 793 665 1.415 1.848 1.416 1.563 2.199 432 Fræðslumál 27.106 25.820 24.665 29.345 28.601 30.950 31.244 27.625 32.149 Menningar- og útvistarmál 21.081 21.928 19.431 25.514 21.461 14.122 20.366 31.939 16.796 Hreinlætismál 5.465 4.938 5.451 4.980 9.352 5.340 4.773 6.539 7.088 Götur, vegir, holr. og umfm. 18.368 23.074 17.378 8.277 20.857 14.432 14.411 10.004 15.944 Útgjöld til atvinnuveganna 4.160 3.132 2.349 6.354 4.715 15.654 5.360 3.320 7.164 Fjármagnsgjöld 7.670 6.544 11.094 6.468 13.166 6.820 4.971 5.262 5.577 Önnur útgjöld 32.144 25.781 35.451 49.582 55.177 32.011 28.472 37.899 32.383 Tekjur umfram gjöld -7.168 -10.984 -8.535 -16.254 11.129 1.586 -676 1.186 -2.873 Efnahagur Peningalegar eignir samtals 53.606 39.091 58.017 68.900 102.152 84.484 53.580 70.939 54.745 Veltufjármunir 43.091 30.071 46.556 56.051 92.201 76.855 43.769 56.096 41.632 Langtímakröfur 10.514 9.020 11.461 12.849 9.951 7.628 9.811 14.843 13.113 Skuldir samtals 143.045 133.795 194.021 118.655 223.900 128.725 90.720 95.873 102.229 Skammtímaskuldir 43.156 48.792 40.965 36.704 91.089 36.902 29.527 34.181 31.821 Langtímaskuldir 99.889 85.004 153.055 81.951 132.811 91.823 61.193 61.692 70.408 Peningaleg staða -89.440 -94.704 -136.004 -49.756 -121.748 -44.241 -37.140 -24.934 -47.484 Aðrir liðir 89.440 94.704 136.004 49.756 121.748 44.241 37.140 24.933 47.484 Fastafjármunir 384.170 638.332 199.949 229.997 263.331 220.977 220.128 259.846 250.913 Eigið fé -294.730 -543.628 -63.946 -180.242 -141.584 -176.735 -182.988 -234.912 -203.429 Sveitarsjóðareikningar 1996 23 1996 Landið allt Whole country Reykjavík Reykjanes Vesturland Vestfirðir Norðurland vestra Norðurland eystra Austurland Suðurland 269.264 105.458 71.438 13.800 8.865 9.739 26.659 12.680 20.625 PopuhUion 1 Dec. 182.183 181.757 168.915 163.238 232.090 176.394 209.543 213.940 169.388 Total revenue 124.690 123.394 124.046 123.747 136.618 126.701 125.156 131.214 123.489 Tax revenue 93.753 93.423 97.017 92.992 98.256 88.826 92.414 95.213 85.868 Municipal income tax 21.268 25.495 17.734 17.916 19.097 20.210 17.100 18.105 22.904 Real estate tax Municipal 5.206 0 3.534 11.676 16.331 15.305 8.562 15.909 12.816 Equalization Fund 4.463 4.475 5.760 1.163 2.934 2.361 7.079 1.988 1.900 Other taxes 40.830 48.459 27.738 24.433 60.785 34.837 49.792 46.270 37.466 Service revenue 2.098 1.517 1.985 3.175 4.911 3.721 2.085 3.042 2.205 Interest revenue 14.564 8.387 15.145 11.883 29.775 11.134 32.510 33.414 6.229 Revenue for investment 184.541 190.808 167.162 176.090 241.710 182.952 191.223 205.272 173.142 Total expenditure 9.000 4.685 8.658 14.501 22.631 14.260 11.962 15.753 12.249 Administration Social security and 41.783 59.181 29.734 23.011 32.558 19.195 44.708 25.829 27.772 welfare 815 741 624 707 2.145 1.496 1.182 1.046 419 Health 41.663 38.125 39.544 50.431 49.078 43.998 45.865 48.793 47.125 Education 21.669 21.989 18.482 24.346 22.126 23.502 23.889 24.119 23.844 Culture and recreation 5.776 5.059 5.496 6.207 8.934 6.556 5.808 6.747 7.766 Sanitary ajfairs Road construction 17.583 24.031 16.689 8.291 17.658 11.214 10.452 12.110 9.488 and traffic 4.038 1.854 1.872 9.805 7.070 8.375 5.575 16.588 5.794 Transfers to industries Capital transfers 7.917 6.052 11.197 7.161 16.264 9.030 5.895 6.676 5.866 received 34.296 29.092 34.867 31.629 63.248 45.325 35.889 47.610 32.819 Other expenditure -2.358 -9.051 1.753 -12.852 -9.621 -6.558 18.319 8.668 -3.754 Revenue balance Assets 57.649 37.701 56.258 81.313 100.708 82.775 80.265 114.381 54.152 Monetary assets, total 42.906 26.325 45.340 68.346 90.412 76.034 54.197 59.720 41.238 Current assets 14.743 11.375 10.918 12.966 10.296 6.741 26.068 54.660 12.914 Long-term claims 143.505 135.007 190.295 128.697 239.992 133.104 79.562 103.292 105.606 Liabilities, total 37.338 35.107 40.939 37.900 67.924 41.491 26.397 41.109 32.610 Short-term debt 106.167 99.900 149.356 90.798 172.068 91.612 53.166 62.183 72.997 Long-term deht -85.855 -97.306 -134.037 -47.385 -139.284 -50.328 703 11.088 -51.454 Monetary status 85.855 97.306 134.037 47.385 139.284 50.328 -703 -11.088 51.454 Otlier assets 393.064 647.299 200.254 244.224 292.154 219.253 234.165 269.503 267.343 Fixed asses -307.209 -549.993 -66.217 -196.840 -152.870 -168.925 -234.867 -280.592 -215.888 Equity
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Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga

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