Vinnumarkaður - 01.09.1996, Blaðsíða 28

Vinnumarkaður - 01.09.1996, Blaðsíða 28
26 Synopsis of methods and concepts Age. Age of respondents as of the 15th of each survey month. Economic activity.Economic activity is classified accord- ing to NACE (Rev. 1) at the four-digit level. However, only sections A to Q are reported. Section C, Mining, is collapsed with section D, Industry, and sections P and Q are reported together with section O. Because of its importance, the fishing industry is reported separately as a subcategory of section D. Underemployment. If a respondent worked less than 40 hours in the reference week for economic reasons and was seeking a new job or a second job he or she is considered underemployed. A person is also classified as underemployed if he or she has a part-time job and wants to have a full-time job and his or her actual working hours in all jobs are under 40 hours. Status in employment. Four status categories are used in the labour force survey: Employees, own-account workers, employers and unpaid family workers. In this report all self- employed persons are classified together. Employees are persons in employment who identify themselves as employ- ees or as “sub-contracting” employees as well as those unemployed persons who are seeking employment as em- ployees and have not looked for permits, licences, financial assistance, premises or equipment in order to set up their own business. In November 1994 the wording of the question on status in employment was changed in order to ensure that only unpaid family workers were classified as such. Until then the wording was such that self-employed with a family business could easily be wrongly classified as unpaid family workers. Labour force participatíon.The following interpretation of the ILO definition of labour force status is used in the Labour Force Survey: Employment. All gainful employment including unpaid work at family enterprise, unpaid work at the construction of own house or the production of own consumption. Also creation of works of art, even if the person has not yet recei ved any payment. Maintaining own household is not considered gainful employment. Unemployment. Persons are classified as unemployed if they did not have gainful employment in the reference week and satisfy at least one of the following criteria: 1. Have actively been seeking work during the previous four weeks and are able to start working within two weeks. No distinction is made between active and passive methods of job search. 2. Have already found a job which begins later. 3. Are on temporary layoff. 4. Have given up seeking workbut can start working within two weeks of finding a job. Students are only considered unemployed if they are seeking a job with their studies or a permanent job and are available for work within two weeks. Employed. Persons are classified as employed if they worked one hour or more in the reference week or were temporarily absent from their work during that week. Persons on maternity or paternity leave do not have to return to their previous job in order to be considered attached to their previous job. Inactive persons. Persons are classified as inactive if they are neither employed nor unemployed according to the criteria above. The labour force consists of employed and unemployed persons. Residence. Information on residence is taken from the National Register and updated at the time of the survey with information from contact efforts. The following regional division is used (see Appendix 2). The capital region consists of following municipalities: Reykjavík, Seltjarnarnes, Hafnarfjörður, Bessastaða- hreppur, Garðabær, Kópavogur, Mosfellsbær, Kjalames- hreppur and Kjósarhreppur. The following municipalities or urban areas are classified as towns outside the capital region, usually with more than 1,000 inhabitants: Keflavík, Grindavík, Sandgerði, Njarðvík, Akranes, Borgarnes, Stykkishólmur, Olafsvík, Isafjörður, Bolungarvík, Blönduós, Sauðárkrókur, Siglufjörður, Akureyri, Dalvík, Olafsfjörður, Húsavík, Egilsstaðir, Seyðisfjörður, Eskifjörður, Neskaupstaður, Höfn í Hornafirði, Selfoss, Hveragerði and Vestmannaeyjar. Municipalities and rural areas other than the above are classified 'dsothermunicipalities. Marital status. Classification of marital status is as re- ported. Correction is made when reported marital status is logically incompatible with information from the National Register, e.g., when a respondent reports him or herself as married without being recorded as married in the National Register, that person would be classified as cohabiting. Education. Primary education is classified according to ISCED groups 1-2. Vocational education, such as apprentice- ship in crafts, secondary school education and higher voca- tional training is classified in ISCED groups 3-5. University education and equivalent education is classified in ISCED groups 6-7. In 1995 education was classified in accordance with pro- posals of a Statistics Iceland working group on the classifica- tion of education. This has mainly affected the classification of domestic science education and university entrance exami- nation, formerly ISCED groups 2 and 5, respectively. These are now classified in ISCED group 3. The most marked result of this change in the coding scheme has been the increased number of women with vocational education in ISCED groups 3-5. Students. A respondent is classified as a student if he or she attended day school within the four-week period prior to the survey, received vocational training during the same period orreported that he or she was a student having apart-timejob. Length of service. Length of service refers to the time from the starting date at the respective firm/establishment to the reference month. Non-responses were imputed using two methods. If a starting month was missing, a value was randomly assigned, assuming the average distribution of starting months among valid answers 1991-1994. In case of a missing starting year, the starting year was estimated by multiple regression using the variables age, sex and economic activity. No one was, however, allo wed to have begun working before the age of 10.
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