Málfríður - 15.11.1990, Blaðsíða 10

Málfríður - 15.11.1990, Blaðsíða 10
It is diffucult to give any reasonable explanation for the difference be- tween these two forms. It is some- thing learners must sensitize them- selves to. iv) cognitive Ta§k threc Most newspaper articles tieal ivith bad news of disasters, scandals, probletns etc. It Itas been said that this is because good news is boring and people will not buy papers ttnless they can tind exciting or stiinulating ncws stories. Hou 'ever. it shottld be possible to make good news just as exciting and interesting as bad news. Tltink of stx newspaper headlines for good news that you wouhi like to have Itappen. Then ioin with another person and discuss what the story might be. Choose one of your partncr s headlincs and wnte the story. Since you want to concentrate on the effccts of the news on the prescnt time. you should use the Present Perfect for most of the verbs and usc the Simple Past only for statements that refer specifically to a particular time in the past, and one of the future forms for the future. Some examples have been written for you. lumples: NEW VACCINt fllMINATES ALL VIRUSES WAR ABOIISHED FREE BOOKS FOR E.FL. LEARNERS And Itere is an example of one of the stories: The EEC has announced that all charges for books for registered EFL learners have been abolished. The publishers have agreed to supply free books to anyone vvho has enrolled in a full- or part-time English course and the EEC members have promised to subsidise this enterprise. Commenting on the announcement, Ralph Marsh of the British Council said T think they have made a very wise decision'. A student in Kuala Lumpur said, 'I have spent many hundreds of ringgiL on books for mv studies. Last month I spent fiftv ringgit on a new dictionarv and my teacher has told me that I need a new grammar book. Now I can get all the books I want.' In this task, the learners have prac- tice in the structure but also have to fit the structure into a meaningful con- text. At the same time, they are con- sidering a texttype. 4. Conclusion This is only really the first stage in teaching grammar. As we become more aware of the meaning potential of grammar, we will surely have to look at how we can incorporate first language awareness into second lan- guage learning. One reason that grammar gave way to communication tasks in the seventies was that is was felt to be boring for learners and it was felt that rules and explanations were no part of the language class- room. In a way language itself be- came no part of the classroom. Communication was talking about anything except language. Perhaps it is time we reconsidered that idea. BIBLIOGRAPHY HALLIDAY, M.A.K. (1985) An Introduction to Functional Grammar, London, Edward Arnold, p.xiv. LARSEN-FREEMAN, D. & CELCE-MURCIA, M. (1985) Defining the challenge: An additional Choice in Language Teaching, paper given at 1985 TESOL convention in New York. WOODS, E.G. & McLEOD, NJ. (1990) Using English Grammar — meaning and form, Hemel Hempstead, Prentice Hall, International. 10



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