Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - aug. 2005, Side 27

Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík - aug. 2005, Side 27
Viltu vera me› atri›i í gle›igöngunni? Atri›um í gle›igöngunni hefur fjölga› ár frá ári og mörg hver hafa veri› einstak- lega glæsileg. til fless a› setja upp gott atri›i er mikilvægt a› hugsa málin me› fyrirvara. Gó› atri›i flurfa ekki a› kosta mikla peninga. Gott ímyndunarafl og li›sstyrkur vina og vandamanna dugar oftast nær. Hinsegin dagar hafa leigt verkstæ›i í húsnæ›i Klink & Bank vi› Stakkholt. fiar geta allir sem eru a› setja saman atri›i sauma› og smí›a› og n‡tt sér fla› skraut sem er á bo›stólum hverju sinni. fiau sem geta lagt til verkfæri, saumavélar og svo framvegis, vinsam- legast hafi› samband vi› okkur. fiátttakendur sem ætla a› vera me› formleg atri›i í göngunni ver›a a› tilkynna fla› til Hinsegin daga fyrir 1. ágúst í sí›asta lagi. Hægt er a› skrá atri›i á heimasí›unni, www.this.is/ gaypride, e›a me› flví a› senda tölvupóst á heimirmp@simnet.is Einnig má hafa samband vi› göngu- stjórana, Katrínu í síma 867 2399 og Gu›björgu í síma 865 3390, e›a Heimi Má framkvæmdastjóra í síma 862 2868. Byrja› ver›ur a› ra›a göngunni upp vi› lögreglustö›ina á Hlemmi kl. 13, laug- ardaginn 6. ágúst og fleir flátttakendur sem eru me› atri›i ver›a skilyr›islaust a› mæta á fleim tíma. Gangan leggur stundvíslega af sta› kl. 15 og bí›ur ekki eftir neinum. do you want a float or space in the parade? this year’s Reykjavík Gay pride Workshop is located at the Klink & Bank workshop in Stakkholt, close to Hlemmur square. Here you can build your float or make your costumes. those who wish to perform a number in the parade, please register before 1 August. you can register on the website www.this.is/gaypride, under “Gangan”, or send an e-mail to heimirmp@simnet.is. please inform us how many people will be participat- ing in your number and whether it will involve a float or car. We will also need the name, address and phone number of the contact person in charge. participants please meet at 1 p.m. on Saturday 6 August by the police Station at Hlemmur. the parade starts at 3 p.m. um eitt hundra› fulltrúar ví›svegar a› úr heiminum komu á heimsfling Interpride sem haldi› var á Hótel nordica í Reykjavík 6.–10. október sl. Samhli›a heims- flinginu fór fram fyrsti nor›urlandafundur Interpride me› fulltrúum frá noregi, Svífljó› og Íslandi en sérstakir gestir voru fulltrúar frá póllandi, Frakklandi og Englandi. Á heimsflinginu sóttu fulltrúar fjölbreyttar vinnustofur um ‡mislegt sem l‡tur a› flví a› skipuleggja og halda hinsegin hátí›ir. Hátindur heimsflingsins var fló flegar Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, fyrrverandi forseti Íslands, ávarpa›i flinggesti. The interPride World Conference was held in reykjavik 6–10 October 2004. More than one hundred delegates from the Us, Canada, the nordic countries, Poland, France, the UK and other places turned up for this productive conference. The participants attended various work- shops on different aspects of organizing a Pride event. The high point, however, came when Ms. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, former president of iceland, addressed the delegates. Vigdís, the first woman in the world to be democratically elected head of state, closed her address with these words: “The Gay Pride movement in Iceland has succeeded through positive communication with the general public of Iceland. They have used the language to enlighten people and by coming proud out on the streets they have changed the whole atmosphere, from preju- dice into taking the individual human right for granted. You, the delegates at the InterPride confer- ence here in Reykjavik, represent cities and countries where the state of human rights is most advanced in the world. Surely there are some differences between your countries and even between regions inside your individual countries. But compared to the situation in Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia you have come a long way. That’s why international cooperation like yours, communication between different cultures and beliefs is so important. Ladies and gentlemen, I wish you fruitful deliberations and hope that when you go back to your homes you will leave stronger than you were before and determined to keep up your good work. Human rights are to be respected. Thank you.” Farsælt heimsfling í Reykjavík 27


Hinsegin dagar í Reykjavík

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