Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1957, Blaðsíða 103
(Sneglu-Halla |)åttr), 360-82 (Jomsvikinga saga), 38228-38317
(Forleifs Jaattr jarlaskalds), 39911—40032 (AuSunar Jiåttr vest-
firzka), 46723—47214 (Styrbjarnar fmttr Sviakappa, Hroa Joåttr
heimska), II 23619-21, 24225-30, 25914-29 (Einars Joattr Sokka-
sonar), 2464—25216 (FostbræSra saga), 2603—2665 (Grænlend-
inga Jiattr), III 23027ff. (Hålfdanar {jattr svarta).—A number
of the passages here cited from Supplementum are repeated in
Crymogæa, where only a few minor additions show new use of
Flat. (e.g. II I451-4, 1587ff., i6926-i7o21).
For the Kings’ sagas proper, however, AJ also used other
texts, parallel to Flat. (the expanded saga of Olaf Tryggvason,
Olafs saga helga, Hulda), so that it is often impossible to decide
whether his material comes from Flat. or from the comparable
text; sometimes it can be shown that the two texts have been com-
bined. Reference should be made to the notes for further details.
Against a large number of the entries in the Flateyjarannåll
another and different date is found added in the margin and
written in a later hånd (see G. Storm in Isl. Annaler indtil 1578,
p. 493 ff.). Storm thought that AJ and Torfæus were respon-
sible for these additional dates. It must be observed, however,
that these figures are written in three different hånds, not two.
The two oldest of these (A and B) are not from widely differ-
ing periods, and seem both to belong to the end of the sixteenth
century. Hånd A writes the added date in agreement with the
chronology of the annals, whilst Hånd B reduces the date of the
annals by one year. A number of the dates in Hånd A have more-
over been corrected by rewriting the last figure, and so reducing
them by one. These corrections are undoubtedly the work of
Hånd B, clearly seen for example in two places where this writer
has crossed out the figures given by A and inserted the corrected
date above (954 > 953, 966 > 965).
Up to the entry for the year 1000, Hånd A has written the
following dates (* signifies that the figure is not corrected by
Hånd B) : *448, *482, *500, 526, *529, *542, *543, 553, 732,
*743) 923, 931-6, *943 (placed against the annals’ entry for
944), 950) 954, 958, 959, 961, 964, 966, 969, 975, 977, 978,
986, 987, 989, 993-6, 999.—Hånd A appears occasionally after
this point, but the figures are never corrected.