Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1957, Blaðsíða 138
There are also parts of Jomsvikinga saga (hereafter always
abbreviated Jvs.) in Olåfs saga Tryggvasonar by Oddr Snorra-
son (the version in AM 310 4to), see Finnur Jonsson’s edition
(1932) pp. 47-53, 109-112 (== OT(A)), and in the expanded
Olåfs saga Tryggvasonar in Fornmanna sogur I (= Fms.I.),
where it is however to some extent combined with FIkr.’s text.
Finally, a version of Jvs., older than any of those now preserved,
was used in Fagrskinna (= Fsk.) and Heimskringla (= Hkr.).
As was to be expected, this abundant material has given rise to
an extensive corpus of critical literature, which is not exactly
distinguished, however, by an overwhelming unanimity of opin-
ion1. Fortunately, there is no need here to consider most of the
debatable issues, since in all essentials I am able to follow Bjarni
ASalbjarnarson both in his critique of the older critical literature
and in his conclusions on the relations between the individual
redactions. Thus, for all details in the following, reference may
be made to his treatment of these questions.
The most important facts which can be accepted as established
may be summarised very briefly as follows:
1) All the five independent redactions of Jvs. descend in their
main features from the same original version (on the special
position of 510, see below under no. 3).
2) The redactions 291, F and H form a single group, in which
291 and F are closely related, whilst H is abbreviated and shows
in some respects the influence of other sources. Of all the five
redactions 291 must be thought to represent best the common
source (Bj. ASalbjarnarson p. 203).
3) 510 is basically derived from the same source as the other
redactions, but it has various interpolations, some of them from
the same older version of Jvs. as was used in Fsk. and Hkr.
1 Apart from the introductions to the editions named above, we shall mention
here only the most important contributions, to which reference is made in the fol-
lowing discussion: G. Storm, Arkiv I, 1883, 235-4.8; S. A. Krijn, De Jomsvikinga-
saga, Leiden 1914; G. Indrebø, Fagrskinna, 1917, 53_8o; H. Hempel, Arkiv XXXIX,
1923, 1-58; Finnur Jonsson, Den oldn. og oldisl. litteraturs historie2 II, 1923, 653-9;
Bjarni ASalbjarnarson, Om de norske kongers sagaer, 1937, 97-8, 201-217. For full
references to critical literature, see especially the works of Krijn, Finnur Jånsson
and Bjarni ASalbjarnarson, together with Islandica XXVI, 1937, pp. 22-3.