Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1957, Blaðsíða 121
been written, in an unpractised and clumsy hånd. “Pessa Bok å
sa heidarlige herra herra arngrijmur jonsson superjntendentes[ !]
j Hola stigte. anno 1625”. There are moreover found, in just
those sections cited by AJ in Crymogæa, numerous instances
where the text has been underlined and strokes placed in the
margin; in addition, against some of the same sections are mar-
ginal notes in AJ’s hånd, see e.g. notes to II 6I22.29-32, 637-25,
7o1_10>14^17>25~31, 7031—712, 712-8, 7433—752, 8738. One or two small
errors in Papp. 4to no. 66 are repeated by AJ: II 7031 heyre AJ,
66, heyra Sthb.; 712 liugwitni AJ, 66, liugvétti Sthb. Yet another
point to notice is that AJ’s marginal-note, II 7425 Ritus manumis-
sionis, is also found added by him in the margin of 66 against
the passage in question. Finally, AJ cites ch. 62 in VigslåSi (II
8 7 38), which corresponds to ch. 54 in StaSarholsbok; 66 however
divides VigsloSi into more sections than the codex and has pre-
cisely the same chapter-numbering as is given by AJ.
As Godel’s description of the manuscript (see V. Godel, Kata-
log, 1897-1900, pp. 333-4) is incomplete and in places inac-
curate, we shall add here the following details. 1) Fol. 2i6v, at
the end of the Grågås text, the writer adds, “Hier endast G. G.
Enn Jaetta sem epter kemur er qviddam diversum; huorki miog
gåmul laug Nie Ny”; a younger hånd has then added, “og juii
kalia ec jietta Interim”; the same hånd has added the title “In-
terim” at the top of fol. 2i7r. 2) The text on fol. 2i7r-24iv
consists of extracts from JårnsiSa in StaSarholsbåk, viz. chs. 14,
16, 20-40, 42, 45-6, 49, 52, 54-66, 69—120. It is defective at
the end, breaking off at the words, “handuommum sijnum einum”
(= NgL I 296). AJ’s matter from JårnsiSa is derived from this
text, see next section. 3) Godel cites Dr. Jon Porkelsson as his
source for the assertion that the manuscript was written by
Bishop GuSbrandur Porlåksson. In faet, the manuscript is writ-
ten in at least five different hånds and it is extremely unlikely
that any of them is Bishop GuSbrandur’s.
4Q. JarnsiSa. On three occasions in his survey of the laws in
Crymogæa, AJ cites articles which come not from Grågås but
from JårnsicSa, see II 6534—662, 665, 7i2-8 and notes. In none of
these instances, however, is it noted by him that these laws did
not belong to the Commonwealth period. His source was undoubt-